Additional 10 business days depending very much on when we will receive the required documents and of course the work load of the bank, we can't guarantee this time fram from time to time it takes up to 30 days.
You can open the account with several banks ie USB bank, BoC etc.
In total including the registration of the Cyrpus company and bank account opening my set up took only 13 days, it was very fast and in the summer time (June) so the reason may be a low activity due to hollidays.
Our took almost 5 weeks In the beginning we though it would be a scam but thanksfully we were wrong and they delivered everything required, now we are happy customers
Good to see that you figured out that we are not a scam as some try to let it look like Sometimes delays occor and most often because of a major work load with the authorities or because of a communication breach between the client and us, we are all only humans who make mistakes.
Just wanted to tell everyone that we had a great experience with CCLOGIC and their team:thumbsUp: Our company structure is put in place and works as our local consultants expected.
Perfect, me too :hello: Im working tight with them to get my company incorporated and sorted things out for a perfectly fine result to kick start our new business once everything is ready.
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