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Reliable EMI for IT consulting


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Oct 17, 2019
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Hi, I have a company registered in Marshall, I am doing IT consulting (5-6 specific customers only from Europe or UAE), I would kindly ask your suggestion for reliable EMIs other than TW.
I am not doing any online business, no selling products to many people, just consulting and some time some licenses to my specific customers.
I would like to find a reliable EMI that will not block my amount which is the way of living.
Thank you
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You asked this question back in October 2019. The advice back then was to ditch the Marshall Islands company with you being an Italian IT consultant.

However 6 months later and your still asking again for an account...why? What has changed? :confused:
Hi @Martin Everson I hope you're well man! I'm very happy to read your messages.

What changed is that after 6 months (thanks for remembering!) I still don't have bank and I need a reliable EMI.

I have tw but I read around that they block accounts. Since I got a small project now, if tw will block my account I'll be really destroyed. So I'm looking to make an account in another one to be on safe side. Amounts are low 4 figure usually and very rarely 5 figure starting with 1 :)..

I'm looking for a reliable EMI to use as bank. I don't want crypto etc just to get payments from customer ibans and then transfer to my own accounts preferably with swift (to countries without IBAN) or I can use IBAN if it's hard (Europe then). Also other question is what is your opinion for bankera? They ask 200 euro for onboading application only and I don't have apostilled the docs of my company so I'm afraid I'll just lose 200 euro.

Any other EMI I can try?

Many thanks and take care!!
@kkein you open a big discussion here...

I'll give you an example. Revolut closed an account of a European business which was 10000% legal and honest. Without any given reason at all.. they really scr@@@ed this business as they closed their account and lost lots of payments that were pending from customers that delayed them..

What was the reason?

I assure you nothing..

Or.. according to a big guy that I know in person, they needed to tick the compliance for some companies to show around that they they have tight compliance rules.. got my point .. so.. despite if your business is legal or no, you might get blocked just for an EMI to show that they have strict compliance.. bulocks..

I think Payoneer is the one that closed, yes?

I don't believe there is not any other EMI that I can open except tw... Reliable and safe. Again, I just want to get payed from Europe companies mostly (not from any offshore at all) and after transfer the we earnings to me. No crypto, no online payments, no conversions etc..

What about bankera gents, or anything else I don't know?

Thank you all
@kkein you open a big discussion here...

I'll give you an example. Revolut closed an account of a European business which was 10000% legal and honest. Without any given reason at all.. they really scr@@@ed this business as they closed their account and lost lots of payments that were pending from customers that delayed them..

What was the reason?

I assure you nothing..

Or.. according to a big guy that I know in person, they needed to tick the compliance for some companies to show around that they they have tight compliance rules.. got my point .. so.. despite if your business is legal or no, you might get blocked just for an EMI to show that they have strict compliance.. bulocks..

I think Payoneer is the one that closed, yes?

I don't believe there is not any other EMI that I can open except tw... Reliable and safe. Again, I just want to get payed from Europe companies mostly (not from any offshore at all) and after transfer the we earnings to me. No crypto, no online payments, no conversions etc..

What about bankera gents, or anything else I don't know?

Thank you all

After some googling i think you refer to firstchoicepay, that was the one used for more questionable business, like adult and so on.
As far as i can see, Payoneer is fine and operative.
...never change a winning team. If the combination IT consulting Marshall/TW works, everything is fine!
The more you look around in the posts, the more people you find which have been blocked at any bank for any reason.
Thanks @Martin Everson can you please kindly suggest me other emis to try?

I was wondering if there is any post here with all emis and maybe with which countries companies they are working with.

Can you please tell me other emis that are reliable and you maybe suggest?

Many thanks!
There is a thread with a list of EMI's somewhere that you can try if you search. However with a Marshall Islands company you will not have much luck with 99.9% of them. The advice in first thread you opened was to ditch the company and find a new structure. It has been 6 months later and your still looking for a reliable EMI........well I guess that advice given in original thread was right :confused:.
@Martin Everson your advices are always right :)

The question is where to open company to keep my data hidden 100% from public. Again nothing illegal but for X reasons. UK LLP has everything public. So it's out. Hong Kong same. Other schemes are costly and my budgets are low. Customers know me and are specific so I don't have any issue with the location. For the moment only issue is bank or EMI.

Belize or BVI can be an option or no?

You're expert I really appreciate your help and time.

Thank you
@Martin Everson your advices are always right :)

The question is where to open company to keep my data hidden 100% from public. Again nothing illegal but for X reasons. UK LLP has everything public. So it's out. Hong Kong same. Other schemes are costly and my budgets are low. Customers know me and are specific so I don't have any issue with the location. For the moment only issue is bank or EMI.

Belize or BVI can be an option or no?

You're expert I really appreciate your help and time.

Thank you
What about an US LLC?
if your budget is low then you are probably not in the position for doing it. As Martin writes, with your setup you are going to face risks, one way or another (reliable EMI freezing you, or unreliable EMI shutting down).
Many thanks

Can you see me questions please I'd you can help with the Answers?

US LLC needs tax number from USA. Another issue. Why I should get tax number from USA? Am I the one to pay trump's chlorine ?


i find it impossible. I tried a lot none is supporting offshore companies.

giving up. impossible.

I will listen to @Martin Everson close the company and done i need find other way.

i'm extremely dissapointed really.

900$ per month mistertango fee?? 900$ per month????????????? what are these guys?
Is this true or i'm missing something?

thank you
900$ per month mistertango fee?? 900$ per month????????????? what are these guys?
Is this true or i'm missing something?
I would check this thread to get a quick answer to your question, Mister Tango s**t service
@Admin there are really rich guys here I assume... If I had for example 400k euro (which I don't), I would open an emi and would get rich... So many people here even struggle to find the right solution.

Why any of the guys here which might be rich don't so this investment? What's so difficult to open a reliable EMI somewhere ?

And only russian mafia as I read around your forum is doing it
I don't believe it is difficult to open a reliable EMI, you may check out TransferWise. Don't even a bank is reliable if you think about it.
@Admin can you help me where I can find already existing presentations for EMI? I had a call with a investor group earlier to talk to them and convince them to get in the market... They asked me a presentation
Is there somewhere Incan find presentation for other emis to get data and make it fast? Might be a nice idea and born finally a reliable EMI

Other than tw? Nothing?

Thank you!
Why any of the guys here which might be rich don't so this investment? What's so difficult to open a reliable EMI somewhere ?

Because operating an EMI is intrinsically one of the lowest margin and most unprofitable businesses that exists on earth. You need to either be a laundromat to make money as an EMI, have weak compliance (i.e epayments) or charge $000's a month just to survive. Most legit EMI's don't even make any profit at all in relation to volumes they process. The compliance costs are outrageous.

And only russian mafia as I read around your forum is doing it

They have money to fund most Eastern European startups. They use it as a laundromat for their crimes till it loses its license and start a new one.
So .. ladies and gentlemen I'm officially looking for russian investors.. hahahahaha (it's a joke don't contact me please:))

You're right. But.. a fair EMI has a fair pricing... I would pay an X amount according to my income for a reliable EMI. Ie 0.5% or more with a limit of X USD per month.. fair business..

Is epayments still open or still blocked ? Any updates on this?

@Martin Everson I'm looking for some presentations of emis I need to structure one for a potential investor (not russian I promise).. can you help me find? You'll be customer 1 I promise

Many thanks
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