@void - So, just like banking now then?
Seriously, though. This is the smartest & realest thing I've read today. I needed to hear that!
For example, a client requested 5000 Huawei P60 Pro and some other Huawei products from me. We could only get our hands on 514 P60 Pros. The total of the sale is <$600K and banks/compliance officers lose their minds over this amount. I sent the money in USDt and in 90 minutes the payment was confirmed and the products were delivered to the freight forwarder of my client and ready to be shipped to my client.
What are banks trying to stop? It's a stupid phone with some peripherals for God's sake. I'm NOT selling a regulated product (e.g. Chinese vaccines) or a prohibited product (e.g. illegal recreational drugs from Colombia).
Why are the banks trying to hinder commerce? What am I missing here?