How does the financial institution know if a customer is a non-tax resident of Thailand?Seen discussions on here previously : Agency drafts law on tax transparency
Per default banks will report you to CRS if for example your phone number is from a different country.How
How does the financial institution know if a customer is a non-tax resident of Thailand?
Did Thai banks already start to collect appropriate KYC?
Assuming an Australian who was a former resident of Thailand. He moved to Vietnam and kept his Thai bank account. However, this Australian has no more contact point/phone number/address in Thailand. He gives his Thai bank a complete data set of his Vietnamese residence (address, phone, documents ...). He is now a non-resident for tax purposess in Thailand. Vietnam is non-CRS. He uses his Thai bank account for purchases through his debit card mostly within Thailand and Vietnam.Per default banks will report you to CRS if for example your phone number is from a different country.
They can also use indications like if you only use your bank account in your passport country or login with an IP from your passport country
The phone number thing is a default thing, so for sure u dont wanna give the bank a non local number