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The case of COVID19 vs Freedom


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Aug 21, 2021
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Hello, everyone. I recently joined the forum and I was expecting to learn about everything about tax structuring and financial institutions...
But it shocked me to encounter these posts asking for fake vaccination certificates. T h i s i s d a n g e r o u s.
Let me explain why this is a line we don't want to cross.

We are just spoiled. We seem to have forgotten that it is thanks to the advancement of medicine that we have become desensitized to the dangers of epidemics. We had Polio, Smallpox, Bubonic plague, Cholera, Leprosy, Tuberculosis, and many more. Hundreds of millions of untimely deaths, in each of them.
But fortunately we learned from them.

We had three pandemics of bubonic plague that wiped 50% of the whole European population.
From the Cholera outbreak in London we learned about germs and the importance of hygiene, the whole process of figuring out the cause of the cholera epidemic in Britain gave birth the field of epidemiology, while at the same time putting the last nail in the coffin to the theory of miasma. (and this why now we have sewage lines in the city instead of rivers of s**t slurries flowing down the street. Think about that, there was a time cities didn't have sewage.)

And smallpox was endemic in every single country in the world since almost the beginning of time, there are evidence in Egyptian mummies with smallpox infections. It is estimated that in 20th century alone 200 million people have died from it. Voltaire himself have recorded that he estimated that 60% of the population was infected and 20% of those have died.

In the past, until about 50 years ago, it was common for families having multiple children. Families with six to ten kids were the norm, why? Because child mortality was just an accepted fact of life. From those 10 kids, maybe 7 or 8 kids would have died. Also women dying from giving childbirth was a common occurrence another accepted fact of life. In some Asian cultures this hardship has been marked permently in their customs with specific celebrations for babies that are 100 days old. These are not birthday celebrations, these are remnants of an old tradition were they were actually celebrating that the kid may not succumb to child mortality if he managed to survive at least that long.
My own father was abandoned in a village when he was a kid, left to die because he was infected with malaria, typhus and almost got cholera. Villagers were isolating and quarantining because it was the only method available to stop the spread of the disease. That and burning bodies.
Wanna hear about another disease that plagues a generation not that long ago? Go find out about how horrible was Polio.

Living on this planet as a human was hellish, and we are talking about just half a century ago.
That was the world previous to the existence of vaccines and antibiotics.
But fortunately some rational humans started to figure out certain patterns and learn from it.

In the 1500s the Chinese were blowing powdered scabs (with the smallpox infection) to the nose of healthy individuals to immunize them against smallpox. They would develop the sickness but if they survived, they would be immune to the fatal strain. This method known as variolation would cause deaths in 2% of the people inoculated in this manner, but it was regarded as an acceptable risk as smallpox fatality rate was between 30 to 40%. People with variolation had to be careful as they could infect others while they were sick.

In 1768 a doctor named John Fewster discovered that dairy farmers and specially milkmaids wouldn't get infected with smallpox as often as the rest of the population, he realized that the cows infected with cowpox may be the reason.
Edward Jenner thought that milkmaid's blisters infected with cowpox were protecting them from smallpox, so to test the hypothesis he started inoculating people to test the idea. He injected his gardener's son with it and watched to see what happened. The kid got a little bit of fever but he never got a full infection. Later to test if the kid was immune, he tried variolation with the kid. The kid never got infected.
We now know this method of getting immunity (with a weaker or dead virus) as "vaccination", literally comes from the latin "vacca", which means cow.

The more modern form of the vaccine would be discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1880, he figured out why the vaccination worked, and realized ways of weakening the germs for a safer inoculation of several diseases, such as cholera, anthrax and rabies.

But despite all this remarkable progress, everything went to hell with the biggest pandemic of all: The "Spanish" Flu of 1918.
It spread like a wildfire, and it may be the first global pandemic that covered every single continent, fueled by the transcontinental ships... and also the World War I. In just two years it caused between 50 million to 100 million deaths.
This exceptionally deadly influenza has been sequenced from corpses and it is known to be the H1N1 virus which belongs to the group of the very feared Influenza type A. This group has been under close surveillance precisely to avoid a potential pandemic.
Do you wonder why China killed so many pigs when the swine flu was detected in 2009? The pigs were infected with H1N1 and it was proved it could infect humans.
Did you know there was a culling of 300,000 chickens because bird flu was detected in Japan last year and it continued in Korea killing about 25 million chikens early this year?
This is that serious, and we've been trying to stop a new "spanish flu" type of event over and over. And all our focus has been on focused on monitoring influenza A to actively prevent a new pandemic ever since.

But then nature threw us a curve ball: Do you remember SARS in 2003 and MERS in 2012? We were lucky at that time, because we weren't even near ready to get a proper working solution if that Asian epidemic turned into a pandemic. And we were reaallly lucky that SARS wasn't efficient enough to spread further. But the fatality ratio was really alarming, in SARS fatality rate was 11% and with MERS there was an average of 35% fatality rate
One of the hypothesis that explain why either ended up fizzling out "on its own", is because these viruses were too aggressive, so people would either die before infecting others or they would be taken to hospitals at the very early stages of the disease where they would get isolated before they started spreading it. In fact, it seems that the majority of the infections were happening within hospitals. So it was easier to contain it.

So when the new coronavirus hit us causing the COVID19, the panic and confusion that ensued in the medical community was very warranted, you would get doctors worried that this coronavirus would be as lethal as SARS or MERS, and also you would get those complacent doctors who spoke too soon, saying that it would simply go away by itself, probably thinking it would turn out to be like the first SARS-like virus... without considering the context nor the behavior of the new virus.
What later on scared the s**t out of every single doctor on the planet was to see that presymptomatic and asymptomatic people could spread it, so it was way harder to contain it. By the time you felt the first signs that something wasn't right, you might have infected everyone around you without knowing. This coronavirus was behaving more like the influenza virus, spreading not only in large saliva droplets, but also in aerosols (even by exhaling by normal breathing), and having "hang" time in the air. We know from other viruses that they can hang in the air up to 45 minutes. How? Well if they are stuck in a large droplet it would fall to the ground, but if it is an aerosol (micro droplets) it would evaporate before falling, and the virus would just hang there in the air floating or moving along the wind just like dust.
That's why there was a constant contradictory information from the WHO and other experts, they at first recommended to not use masks, to then changing the recommendation to please wearing masks everywhere.
All the confusion and the mess was due to discovering a completely new coronavirus that was acting in ways that were very unusual.
The official name of the virus causing the COVID19 is assigned as SARS-CoV-2.

But it was thanks to that first encounter with the first SARS and the MERS coronaviruses that we managed to find a way out from COVID19 so quickly, we had almost a decade of studying these type of coronaviruses.
If we didn't had the "trial runs" with SARS and MERS, we would've been in a way worse shape to face this crisis.
Also, we are extremely lucky that the mRNA technology was just about to get ready after decades of being scorned and eating s**t by the traditionalist establishment, they finally got vindicated.
I would recommend to read the history of the person who made mRNA vaccines a reality (this tech will change medicine forever, btw), Katalin Kariko who even had to suffer a humiliating demotion at the University of Pennsylvania and getting kicked from her lab because she wouldn't let this line of research go. They even cut the funds for research, getting paid less than her lab assistant, and she would still keep at it with an indomitable conviction that she was onto something. She was a single-woman-Skunkworks. For 40 freaking years by herself. She is the ultimate underdog (The Science Funding Crisis That Nearly Killed mRNA Vaccine Development | Opinion | The Harvard Crimson)

Anyways, so why it is important to get vaccinated?

Getting vaccinated is the only way to definitely stop this virus that has a exponential rate of propagation, we are in a fight against time.
Also, it is the best way to minimize the rate of complications if you get infected by the SARS-CoV-2.
And we are not talking about one guy infecting two, we are talking about a virus that infects 1 to 9 in the alpha strain. And 1 to 12 in the delta strain. So no wonder why Delta cases are surging like crazy again. Why did the Delta happen? Well, because there were a shitton of people in India getting infected, and that creates innumerable possibilities to get mutated.

The SARS-Cov-2 virus is an RNA virus. RNA based viruses don't have mechanisms to correct mutations like we have with DNA.
So every time that a RNA virus replicates it introduces an error, a mutation. Most of these copies will either do nothing useful or will harm the virus itself by rendering itself useless or less effective at spreading out. But there will be a few of those mutated viruses that might have just the right configuration to be more effective at spreading or even killing more efficiently.
So far we are lucky that the existing mutations are only enhancing its infectiousness (like the Delta strain), but the moment it gets a mutation that makes it as lethal as MERS, plus the current infectiousness as Delta, we would have a global catastrophe awaiting.

The only way to reduce the chance of it finding a more lethal mutation is to reduce the hosts it can infect. Every infected host is throwing dices to find the next winning combination, and every unvaccinated host is a place where it can linger longer because the immune system is not prepared to face it. Your immune system would be raided by surprise, and so while it is fighting it has to gather information about the infection, the B-cells has to learn how to produce antibodies and the Killer T-cells would need to start training (it takes between a week to two weeks to get activated), all while the live invasion is already happening wrecking havoc in your body.

But if you are fully vaccinated, your immune system will be already trained and ready against the enemy as soon as they enter. The Killer T-cells will be already trained waiting in reserve, ready for action (that's why it is said that you are not fully vaccinated until you've waited for two weeks, that's how much it takes to get the elite troops to get ready!), and your B-cells are already pumping antibodies. So by the time you get really infected, the virus would have a much less chance of surviving or doing any serious damage to your body as they would be immediately attacked with everything arsenal at disposal at once.

And if you want to further help your vaccinated body, wear a N95 mask all the time until the pandemic is officially over.
"Why if you are already vaccinated?", you may ask. Think of it as the archers shooting arrows that reduces the number of soldiers before charging against the enemy. It is a filter that reduces the load to the soldiers in the battle so you suffer less losses when you charge with in your infantry and cavalry.
Your body will have a better chance of winning if they face a lower viral load in the first place.

And if you want to add an extra filter, use Betadine nasal spray with Carragelose or a nasal spray with 0.5% concentration of Povidone-iodine. This will catch the occasional virus that passes through the mask. N95 masks filters out 95% of particulates, that means that 5% may go through it. So if you have this nasal spray it will further reduce the amount of viable viruses with the capacity of entering your body, as it will make it really hard to set base in your sinuses. And those who go through it all, your immunized system will be awaiting to get rid of the rest.

Wearing the masks are extremely important even if you are vaccinated.

First of all, as I said earlier you are as vulnerable the first 14 days after the vaccination, because your body hasn't had enough time to train them for battle. (technically called, T-cell activation)
Secondly, if you are now fully immunized, you are now adding evolutionary pressure to the virus. So if you get infected, the virus might mutate in function of the existing immunization. So probably you will be personally fine and even be asymptomatic, but inside your body chances are that even if the war was won, in the aftermath of the battle a few surviving viruses in your body were selected out for being more efficient at eluding the existing immunity and be active and infectious. So please always wear a mask, so in the case that you might have created a new strain you can stop it on the mask preventing the spread of a "smarter" virus that has learned to evade your immunity.

Why not to fake vaccination certificates?

First of all, you would be fucking up the sanitary policies of the countries or states you are in.
The only reason you would be faking a vaccination card would be because you are not thinking about getting a vaccination.
And you might be furious that the governments are forcing people to do something you don't want to. And I would agree with you here if we were talking about any other situation. In a normal situation your decisions wouldn't affect me, so I wouldn't care. But we are not in a normal situation, unvaccinated people are directly undermining the efforts of eradicating this extremely infectious disease.
This is a unique emergency situation where either everybody wins or everybody loses. There is no middle ground.
And the only way everybody can win here is if we sacrifice just a tiny bit of discomfort such as wearing a mask or getting vaccinated for the sake of the survival human kind.
We need to stop this before a weirder mutation happens, and the more we prolong it, the more chances we are giving it to mutate.
And unvaccinated people are the petri dish of covid19.

Btw, lastly I want to warn about some numbers you might see if the vaccination campaign is a success and we are getting near the end of this nightmare: if the vaccination is a success, we will see a raise of infections among vaccinated people that anti-vaxx nutjobs will spin it as "proof that vaccines don't work"... when in actually it will be a sign that there isn't any unvaccinated people anymore, so the only place that infections can happen is among those who are vaccinated. Remember that vaccines have between 60 to 80% of effectiveness in preventing an infection, and close to 100% to preventing death from infection.

And if you can't get vaccinated for other valid medical reasons, please at least wear a N95 Mask and use the nasal spray I mentioned earlier. This is a very simple prophylactic method.
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