Hello Everyone, I will appreciate some ideas about getting a UK Residency
- A guy From a Third country, 40 yo
- Uk is not Visa free for him (He needs a visa to enter)
- No special Skill
- English: I doubt he can make the test B1 and B2 levels
- Budget he can use (100% loss) is $50k
Any creative ideas out there will be appreciated
Tell him that without skill or a high money (100k and above), he is worthless in the eyes of western governments, sorry for being harsh, but it's the reality.
If he's serious and wants to improve himself. He should look into other options and forget about the UK for now, and focus on Europe and work his way up for a citizenship.
with this amount of money, the best course of action for him is Either A) form a company or build a business about the knowledge/interests that he have (otherwise, how did he made that 50k?
) he should be able to do a thing or to, so he should make a market research, build a buyer persona and find a niche for his business ...etc and he should focus on building his business in Europe (specially in European country that would give him citizenship after a couple of years).
B) since his risk tolerance is that high, he should look into building an online business, buying an already established website from online brokers that generate good monthly income or build a business/blog/e-commerce website or whatever from scratch and gain experience from it, he can also Open a YouTube channel and experience with it.
And there is a billion free articles/videos that could help him start his online journey with zero knowledge, he just need some money and your guy have just that, but he just needs the experience that comes from building and managing online businesses.
C) Education. if the guy has a bachelor degree, he can get his masters for free in Europe, and if he doesn't, he can get his bachelor from Europe for free too, and I would advice he should go to Belgium, specially ku leuven because they simply accept everyone regardless of their grades or their age, but he should take his education seriously and consider taking side courses and boot camps to compliment his studies. Also he should start working as a freelancer while studying and build a good resume so he can find work in Belgium after graduation, after his graduation, he should look for a job and wait a couple of years (6 years) till he get his citizenship, then he could move wherever and do whatever he wants.
but 50k alone is not worth much without doing this extra work, Unless he find a clueless old woman that would marry him in the UK and is gonna give him that sweet blue passport (and there are plenty of them on dating sites ) then yeah, he might have a chance there