I don't understand why Georgia is recommended to open offshore companies.
Neither do I. But then, do serious people really make this recommendation? I think that people read sensible recommendations to locate businesses in Georgia and then assume that Georgia is a good offshore location.
If you locate yourself, your office and your management staff in Georgia then you have advantages such as easy company registration, simple and less bureaucratic tax system, low tax rates, tax on distribution, specific tax exemptions for Virtual Zone and Free Zone entities, good banking options, good Internet access, cost effective labour, etc. Depending on your personal preferences you get a low cost and nice lifestyle, good weather, food, etc.
Some but not all of these advantages apply to UAE or Spain or Singapore or Thailand. If you want to do things by the book and avoid corruption then from my personal experience I'd forget Thailand. If you want simple and low taxation then I'd forget Spain. If you want a nice low cost lifestyle then I'd forget about UAE or Singapore. The lifestyle issues vary from person to person but the combination of business and lifestyle advantages make Georgia a re-location sweet spot for some entrepreneurs.
As an offshore jurisdiction Georgia has easy company opening and easy personal bank account opening. There are easier offshore locations for accounting etc. as you've noticed. More importantly, once you actually run an offshore business through Georgia the local banking options tend to evaporate.
This makes a lot of sense. The Georgian government, central bank and commercial banks want people to start and run real businesses here, rather than funnel invoices and money through the country that don't relate to Georgian business activity.