Obviously, classic offshores fit the bill, but they're becoming more and more useless, as far as i can tell. What countries other than that don't have public free/paid access to information about companies UBOs and/or directors?
Georgia is public - მეწარმეთა და არასამეწარმეო (არაკომერციულ) იურიდიულ პირთა რეესტრიWhat about Georgia JSC company? I think someone mentioned it here already.
Initial shareholders are public. With JSC though, there is a way to transfer shares later to new owners via non-public registratorsUBO of joint stock companies in Georgia is public?
Do you know current situation in UK? There's a lot of conflicting information and i've never dealt with UK myselfThere is nothing left which could be of use to anyone. There may be exceptions with the US states we have discussed here i.e. Wyoming, New Mexico and so, but Im'm not sure how much they protect your privacy.
As already said here, forget UK all is public available.Do you know current situation in UK? There's a lot of conflicting information and i've never dealt with UK myself
All the offshores have Public information about the shareholders? Seychelles? St. Vincent? Panama? Everything is public?
Most of them - yes. But there are ways in this offshore world how you can achieve your privacy.
Can you name one way, please?
Thank you, sir. Where can I read more about those ways?No probs, take two - unit-linked life insurance solutions, securitization.
Thank you, sir. Where can I read more about those ways?
Thanks again
In most countries, you won't be able to open a bank account
You can setup EMI's which will work with some sort of volume if you have sufficient of themWyoming company, or in the Seychelles, but the question is what you can do with that?
While I agree with this, Seychelles for example has an UBO registry.They are not effective at capturing genuine UBO information anyway and only know what they are told.