It's a vivid example that people should chase after their genuine objectives, which are capable to make them happy. In your particular case women were reason number one which made you unhappy.
So if you are excited with Asians, don't go to Singapore or Malaysia, which have rather low taxes. Low taxation is not your real objective. Your objective is female attention. Go to Philippines or Thailand and get girls line up after you. Boost your ego there. Like european girls? Go to Eastern Europe, or Belarus, or Russia, or Ukraine (I am not joking. Ukraine) and be happy there. Feel yoourself a macho there. Like latinas? Don't go to expensive Bahamas with zero taxes. Go to Colombia, Venezuela, or Dominican republic instead and f**k best curvy women out there. Ebony is your taste? Go to Madagascar, Kenya or Uganda and dive into whoring...
If your peace of mind is tranquility you rather go to Namibia and build up a beautiful farm there, than buy a tiny house in Cyprus, where your neighbours irritate you on the daily basis.
Everyone should ask yourself what's your real objective and make your choice of desired country based on that. If indeed your happiness is taxes, then go to Dubai, Bahamas or Cyprus. But if it just let you save more but you have to sacrifice, then don't go there.
Ok. So let's start with number 1. People get a Resident Card, from a country like Germany, where they don't pay capital gain if they resell stocks after 1 year, or bitcoin ,etc . they buy a resident, or if they can easy do it, they pay a 1000$-3000/year rent in a nasty old place. or they just buy a 3000$ home located deep in the forest.
they give that resident card to bank, maybe they open bank accounts in Germany. they withdraw the money there, and they go and live all over the europe, but they try to avoid a 180 days + location in their country. if they do it, they will never get a home there, etc. i mean even if they continue to leave in their country, the banks will never report him to his country because of his new ID.
make sense? after a few years they also get "citizenship" in those countries, to have a second passport, to travel "anonymous" , i don't know what's the real usage of it for now. the only good passport will be an european one, witch will let you quickly, and wihtout any questions let you reside in any others european counries. if you are from USA and wish to sit in Portugal, you will need to invest 500,000$ in a golden visa. if you are from Hungary or others european countries you will need to invest 0$
So if somebody like girls, he will get an ID in Singapore. there are a lot of Indonesian girls there. Actually it's enough to sit a few days on Tinder and you will end up taking photos for free at marina bay , eating for free there and so on. why ? they work there or they know another girl working there! sleeping there for free i doubt, but passing you over line to enter the swimming pool , not a big deal at all for a girl working there.
Anyway is possible to get an ID for Dubai, then he will fly /travel all over the world, while paying 0% to the country he hates the most,usually his natal country, that pissed him off, by a bad divorce, etc. Just imagine you earn 1 000 000/year and you pay tax 750 000$ and one day somebody is hitting you in the head and stealing your phone. imagine how is to hear from a cop that for 1000$ police will not work ... lol.. imagine next month to receive a police letter because a fucked up girl is thinking you "sexual harashed her' because you told her a stupid joke, or because you was calling her multiple times,after she flaked a date.