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Company registration cyprus


Offshore Agent
Mentor Group Gold
Sep 6, 2012
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To register a company in Cyprus you may want to look for your needs before you proceed, there are some important factors to consider before you just enter into this venture.

Some of the most important points are:

Does the company need to be registereds onshore or offshore

Will I need to register the company for VAT

What business are you into, what are you selling

Do I need staff?

Is it important to have a real office or can I use a Virtual Office

What banking is required for my business in Cyprus

Most don't even think about the bullet points, they simple enter a website showing company registration Cyprus, enter their details and make the payment and think they are set to go.

You may spend more time on investigating and exploring your goals before you proceed that way. In the long term it will help you to get a healthy and actually usable company setup in Cyprus which you can use for almost any trading activity worldwide and specially in Europe.

A Cyprus company pay the lowest tax in Europe.
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The Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry is a private corporate body functioning under special law and is financially independent, free of any influence by the state. The Chamber is funded by its members? subscription fees and through income generated from a number of services it provides.The CCCI is the union of Cypriot business people, the interests of whom it promotes by submitting to the government and the Parliament the members? positions on matters in which they are involved, while, through its participation in tripartite bodies and committees, it conveys and promotes the views of the business community.
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What if you are looking for a simple company formation in Cyprus?

What I mean is, I have only a small Internet business that have a monthly revenue of a few thousand dollars, what I was looking for is to use the double taxation that Cyprus offers against my country to avoid to pay high taxes once my business grows.

I have been looking at the diagram below:


It's almost how my structure will look like when I'm setup. So I think a simple onshore Cyprus company with registered office and nominees may be the solution for avoiding to pay high tax rates in my own country. For that reason I explored my options and was looking at setups like the below:


At the above picture you can see a Malta company owned by a Cyprus company making use of the double tax treaty, that's what I wanted to do aswell. Also check the one below where it is shown again, just with IP rights. It seems to doesn't matter what you are selling actually.

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Yeah lots and lots of benefits are there for European Holding and Investment structures both to lower or even avoid tax and for asset and privacy protection! If you have the money to get yourself established with a solid company setup in Cyprus you will be covered and prepared to do big business.
I would recommend you to stick to a simple Cyprus company formation to start with and the learn how to go advanced if required at all.
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In another thread I can't find at the moment you describe a procedure where dividends can be paid out from a Cyprus company to a Seychelles corp tax free! This is something you can't do many other places. Also you mentioned the dividend option there is the loan agreement option which also isn't allowed in many European based companies.
I agree. Cyprus is a great low tax jurisdiction to manage your tax burden for corporate entities.
This is indeed a great information for those people who are new in these kind of stuffs. Most of the time, people are blinded by the marketing strategy by the company and they don't count the possible consequences if they do such things. Its better to be knowledgeable in things that involves personal belongings such as money because we don't know if the investment will be worth it or not.

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