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  1. theblast3r

    Thailand's soon to launch Destination Thailand Visa (DTV)

    Thailand is set to introduce the Destination Thailand Visa (DTV), a 5-year multiple-entry visa that allows stays of up to 180 days per entry. This visa can be extended once for an additional 180 days, enabling a maximum continuous stay of 360 days. After this period, visa holders must leave...
  2. A

    Easygoing, fast and Credit Card Payment processor

    Hi, most payment processors ask million questions and documents for their onboarding process, which is understood, but its just super slow, it can take days - weeks are there any payment processors (not stripe/paypal), that accepts companies from UK (non residents) and Philippines, that have a...
  3. A

    visa uk -Espagne sponsor

    I would like to know if there are companies where you can find people for a visa application or if there is a way to find people My bank account is new and I am young even with a bank account with the minimum balance it is not well seen by the immigration service No possibility of opening a...
  4. myhand

    Living in the Cayman's how is it, how expensive is it?

    I just read the following thread and it has made me curious to learn more. https://www.offshorecorptalk.com/threads/setting-up-business-in-countries-which-lead-to-citizenship.42007 According to the service provider mentioned, you can set up a company with substance and within 5 days get a Visa...
  5. M

    Question Dubai visa with a different citizenship

    I have 2 citizenships, say A and B. I entered Dubai few months ago with an employment visa (hiring myself through a company I formed in one of the free zones) and with citizenship A. Now I'd like to dissolve the company, cancel the employment visa and re-enter Dubai with a freelance visa. The...
  6. L

    International Job sourcing Experts. Looking for Joint Ventures & Partnerships

    Does anyone work/run International Jobs sourcing from around the world? E.g. Maid Jobs Offshore Jobs IT jobs, both remote and onshore Hotels, resort yachts, etc Have access to a large pool of laborers that is ready to join, |Companies that I am working with have all the labor licenses and...
  7. S

    Payment processor for prepaid gift cards

    Does anyone know of a payment processor that's willing to accept prepaid visa and amex gift cards in large quantity. I buy these cards for crypto and need to be able to redeem them. I know paypal and stripe will shut me down and I've talked to some high risk merchant processors as well who are...
  8. S

    Question advcash card crs report?

    Hi, is advcash Visa eur card reporting under CRS?
  9. JohnLocke

    Everything You Need to Know Before Applying for the Barbados Digital Nomad Visa

    Located in the Caribbean, Barbados is mostly associated with white sand beaches, crystal clear waters and luxurious holidays in the middle of nowhere. However, the country is also a popular choice for those interested in a more stable financial system. The coronavirus pandemic has seriously...
  10. 1

    Bank, nano bank, EMI with card for none EEA resident

    Hi, I got israeli passport, European passport, Ukraine temporary residence and Georgia permanent residence. I have a transferwise and revolut cards from the time that i had utility bill in EEA country which i don't anymore so any question revolut or TW may ask me about residency at any point...
  11. JohnLocke

    How to Get the Chile Investment Visa – Step by Step Instructions & Tax Considerations

    Whether you are planning to build your future in another country, retire, diversify your assets or start a business, residence by investment is the quickest way to gain residence abroad, without having to go through a plethora of procedures. At the same time, lots of countries have different...
  12. uplana

    What is digital nomad visa?

    I have no clue where to find any information about the Digital Nomad Visa - When first I read about it somewhere I found it to be the same as the golden visa and citizen for investment programs just with some slight differences. Can someone here explain what this is and elaborate on how to...
  13. K

    Cyprus New Tax and Visa Relocation Incentives

    Digital Nomad Visa Period: 12 months, with the right to renew it for another two years; i.e 3 years Conditions: - Employers and clients are located outside Cyprus - Salaries at least €3,500 euros per month - Medical coverage, and - Clear criminal record from the country of residence/origin...
  14. JohnLocke

    What to Know About the Digital Nomad Visa in the Cayman Islands

    Interested in living and working from an exotic destination in the Caribbean? The idea has never been more approachable, regardless of your plans – it could be a historic city in Europe or a quiet island in the middle of nowhere. Freelancers or digital nomads have always dreamed to travel the...
  15. JohnLocke

    Everything You Need to Know About the Upcoming Digital Nomad Visa in Thailand

    People who work all over the world have to deal with all kinds of legal dilemmas. They try to figure out where to pay their taxes, reduce them, or what country provides better deals. The so-called digital nomads can work anywhere, anytime – but which is the best jurisdiction? Just like any...
  16. JohnLocke

    Countries With Digital Nomad Visa – Choosing Your Next Destination

    Digital nomads used to be considered the luckiest people in the world – work online and travel around the world as you do it. With the recent coronavirus pandemic, more and more people turned to work from home, and it actually worked well. Homeschooling also became an option, so the trend is...
  17. JohnLocke

    What to Know Before Applying for a Visa to the UAE – Types, Eligibility & Conditions Explained

    Getting a visa for the UAE depends on multiple factors. Unfortunately, the government website has always been a bit confusing. Moreover, the information available over the Internet leaves lots of room for interpretation – do it wrongly, and you risk facing rejection. Now, there are more types...
  18. troubled soul

    Visa: One in Four Businesses Surveyed Plan to Accept Cryptocurrency Payments This Year

  19. uplana

    crypto.com would you trust this operation?

    I have seen lot's of advertising about this company which I rather want to call a operation than a company! https://crypto.com/eea The latest video they put on the frontpage of their website has costs them a fortune so all the advertising they are running, that is not unusual for a large...
  20. kriyazen

    Question UAE Visa - out of UAE for more than 6 months

    Guys, I'm shitting my pants. Right now. I have an "investor" visa from AMCFZ, so far, so good. I left the UAE in Nov 2020 and was supposed to go back end of Jan 2021. In mid-Jan, the UAE imposed a travel ban on all travelers from South Africa from entering. All passenger flights between JNB and...