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Address in EU to open up a bank account, in which country, for a EU-citizen but not EU-resident?


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May 25, 2020
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If a EU-citizen, but not resident, would need an European address to be used when applying for a bank account in the same country or any other EU country, what country would be smoothest?

Success attributes:
- buying apartment/house for a fair low amount just for the purpose (only to be used for the address, so no distinction between anyone having some, or another having a lot of money) (any other creative ideas are welcome)
- utility bills need to be in private name to show residency
- property can be bought in either company or private arrangement (still, property utility bills in private name)
- safe banking/bank(s)

The goal is to open up a bank account with a _safe_ bank to be able to invest further in cryptocurrency or to buy gold, etc.

Probably not one answer is the right one, but anyway, it's up for discussion:
Which EU-country would make it most beneficial and why?
As an EU citizen you can take residency in any EU country easily.
If you only want to open a bank account, you can just rent a room somewhere and show the rental contract. Or show your residency papers. To get residency, showing a rental contract should be enough.
I don't think you'll need any utility bills.
But what would that accomplish? You would declare to the bank that you should pay taxes in that country. Then the tax authorities will eventually contact you and ask why you haven't paid any taxes.
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Most countries still require to register residence address, either temporary or permanent and banks verify it electronically. Never been asked for utility bills. Easiest way to handle it is to give them EU temporary residence address to send mail to and a copy of proof of residency overseas for CRS purposes.
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