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Analyzing the Necessity of Immigration Consulting Services

Immigration Consultancy Services
Moving to a new place may seem easy at times, but there are certain countries that will bring in a bunch of challenges. Now, different people have different reasons to move abroad. These reasons do count as well, but overall, choosing the location carefully is the more important factor. Now, why would you choose a different country?

Maybe you are thinking of retiring. You have a home you want to sell, buy a different one in a different country and live off your pension or investments. Maybe you want to invest in a nice country with a stable economy and low taxes. How about getting ready for further investments or retirement?

No matter what your reasons are, immigration consulting is often the main necessity.

Think about it for a minute – you leave your comfort zone behind. You head out to a different place – you might be familiar with it, but you are less likely to know it like you know your home. The immigration process can be straightforward if there are no major requirements between countries – such as many countries in the European Union. Other than that, it could be quite confusing.

Generally speaking, just like for anything else in life, hiring someone with experience is clearly better than trying to do everything yourself. However, there are times when doing things yourself could save you money. What do you do in this situation? Do you actually need immigration consulting, or can you sort everything out yourself?

Why hire immigration consulting​

There are more reasons wherefore you might want to hire immigration consulting. Even if you are familiar with the country and its main laws, there are things you are not aware of. The same rule applies to your own country – if you have never had to deal with something, you are clueless. It could be even harder when it comes to moving.

No more expensive mistakes​

No matter what kind of mistake you make, the form will usually be returned to you. Maybe you miss a document, or you forget certain details on the form. Maybe you have no idea how to complete some sections, so you leave them empty. An immigration officer will usually mark the mistakes on your form before sending it back to you. What do you do then? Grab a new form and start all over.

It would not be such a big issue. Sure, you will lose a week or two, but it is not a big deal. The problem is that each form will usually require payment. Furthermore, each mistake will add weeks to your application, so it could be delayed by months. Many countries come with sophisticated immigration and visa systems, hence the necessity of hiring a professional.

Plenty of new rules​

Most people naturally assume that the immigration procedure is over once they are accepted. Your application has been successful. It looks like everything is over, but it is not. Once you are approved, you need to follow particular steps. You must be aware of a wide variety of rules that will ease your transition and ensure everything you do is illegal.

This is another reason wherefore you might need immigration consulting experts. You need to keep in touch with the expert and ensure you follow the rules in the respective country. Sure, some of these mistakes are small and insignificant. But then, there are problematic aspects that could get your right revoked, so be careful.

Different options​

Immigration consulting experts will also analyze your particular situations and circumstances. They will determine which option is better for you. Each country out there comes with different options. You need to explore them, match them to your needs, and go for one of them. For example, you could get family sponsorship in some countries.

Then, other countries allow business immigration. If you are skilled, experienced, and educated, you could opt for a skilled worker visa. Permanent residence is another option, and so on. It depends on where you choose to go. A professional will ensure you get the best of each situation. Besides, each application procedure is unique.

Permits and regulations​

When moving to a new country, you might be aware of a few rules and regulations, but unless you are a lawyer or an immigration consultant, you have no clue what to do next. There are new rules to consider and a bunch of different procedures. It depends on the reasons why you move to the respective country – different reasons, different technical requirements, and so on.

You may not be eligible for everything. You need to figure out your options and adhere to all the permits you are eligible for. Working with a professional will bring in a solid advantage – you will understand all these standards, become familiar with the permits, and ensure you are not going against any of the local regulations. An expert will ensure your form is filled by the book – no unnecessary delays.

Better chances of approval​

Now, even if your case is clear and you feel like you could be a good asset to that country, working with immigration consulting professionals will ensure you get approved much faster. It makes no difference how much money you want to invest. It makes no difference how well educated you are. A wrongfully completed application will get you rejected.

A professional has dealt with hundreds of applications in the past, as well as all sorts of situations and circumstances. They are aware of all the rules and ensure you gain as much as possible from this experience. The approval will be much faster, and there should be no rejections, delays, and extra costs in the process.

When you need immigration consulting​

In theory, unless you are familiar with the system or you work in this industry, pretty much everyone could do with an immigration consulting specialist. Obviously, there are situations when you could do everything by yourself. Here are some of the most common situations that require a professional by your side, or you risk wasting both time and money.

Unsure about rules​

Most immigration rules and laws are extremely complex, regardless of the country. They are difficult to navigate, and they will never be clear – plus, there are lots of loopholes out there. If you are new to such a system, you probably have no idea whether or not you meet the rules. You would not need too much at this point – a simple consultation will usually help you identify potential problems.

If everything is alright, you might get away with it. If you need more help setting the application, you will most likely require more meetings.

Unable to speak the language​

Immigration laws are extremely complicated for a native speaker – even one with experience. If you cannot speak the language, you probably have no idea what to do next. You may ask for help from a relative or a friend, but you will get lost in translation. Everyone will struggle to understand everyone else, and there will be lots of issues. Legal advice is your best option then.

Problems with digital or real documents​

Some countries – such as the UK – feature a highly digitized process. Such procedures are mostly done over the Internet – whether you are already in the country or not. You would have to complete online forms, scan documents into digital formats, and so on. If you are not the type to embrace technology, this will be a serious issue.

This is one case. Then, there are cases that involve getting papers from different offices, waiting in queues, running from one office to another, or getting extra copies. This high level of bureaucracy is just as problematic. If you have no idea how the system works, you will literally waste weeks without even advancing. A professional will sort everything out much faster.

Situations with high refusal rates​

Now, there are usually more routes you can take. You could try finding a relative in that country, or maybe you can live there for a specific amount of years. What if you are a skilled worker or ready to invest? You get the point – there are lots of different routes. Some of them are fairly straightforward – no issues whatsoever. Some others have a high refusal rate.

Should you end up on a route with a high refusal rate, an immigration consulting expert is mandatory then. Believe it or not, there are certain routes where one out of two applications are rejected. There are routes where up to 25% can face rejection. You may not know it already, so discuss your options with an expert before applying.

Challenging a negative decision​

You have already applied by yourself, but you have been rejected. You know that something is wrong because you meet all the rules. There are no reasons whatsoever, but you must have missed something. You must have missed some small details that caused the rejection, so you decide to challenge this negative decision.

The necessity of a lawyer is obvious here. You have failed once. You challenge it, and chances are you will fail again if you do not know where the mistake is. You are already losing time and money because of this rejection. Facing yet another one could put you on a blacklist and lead to even more losses – seek help from an expert straight away to prevent all these.

Poor history or criminal record​

Have you overstayed a previous visa? Have you been rejected before? If you have been arrested or you have a criminal record, you could also face rejection. The country holding a criminal record for you is irrelevant – such information is shared between countries and will delay or cancel your visa. Get in touch with an immigration consultant to find the right way to tackle this problem.

You may only need one or two consultations. A consultant will tell you whether or not your history can affect the application – if it will, you will be guided on the right steps to prevent further problems.

Complicated case​

Some cases are easier than others. Some cases are straightforward and raise no question marks. They are direct and may not necessarily require specialist advice. Some others go in more directions and there is plenty of room for interpretation. If your case is too complex, chances are it also requires plenty of documentation. You may also need to persuade authorities about circumstances or facts.

At this point, get in touch with an immigration consulting service, or the application will take forever. Normally, you could do with a general one-off consultation. A consultant will identify the parts that need changing – you could also seek further help, or you may get some tips about how to do everything by yourself.

Court appeal​

Have you already done it yourself and faced rejection? You can always challenge such a decision. The case could go to a tribunal or court. At this point, the necessity of an immigration consulting expert is a must. You must prepare evidence and build your case by the book – keep in mind, this might be your last attempt. You do not want to risk it.

Hardest countries to immigrate to​

Obviously, certain countries make it difficult to get in, but there would be no business or working reasons to go there – unless you have family, for example. Countries like North Korea or Cuba make it quite difficult to get into, but it is not like business opportunities are great there anyway. So, what other countries make it difficult to immigrate to?

Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia is very strict because it tries to protect cultural values. Foreign influence is not too high in this area. Moving there is difficult without employment and a sponsor. Even if you actually manage to get your visa, laws are super rigid. For example, the sponsor cannot be changed. They will also have to hold the passport while you retain the residence permit.

Saudi Arabia has tried to change a few things for foreigners in 2021. Employees have a bit of extra mobility in terms of work. They can also handle traveling without requiring permission from the sponsor. On the same note, employees can now choose who they work for. In terms of naturalization, you must be there for at least a decade.


Kuwait is also a very strict country, but business opportunities can be handy if you know your way around.
As a foreigner, you will need a sponsor to get a visa. Recently, Kuwait has struggled with an employment crisis, so it is currently trying to reduce the foreign influence in order to give locals more jobs. Chances are these laws will become even stricter in the future.


China is an excellent business market
, but you need an immigration consulting specialist because getting citizenship is almost impossible. Unless you have a relative who is Chinese, you can still apply for naturalization, but the chances to be accepted are slim. You can get a temporary living visa or a business one.


European citizens will not face too many issues when moving to Switzerland
– especially those in the European Union. However, anyone else will find it quite tricky. There are two ways to get a long-term visa. First, you need to be highly skilled and well-educated. Second, you should have plenty of money to invest.


Denmark is another country with rigid immigration laws.
The language is difficult for a foreigner, and laws can be confusing, so you definitely require an immigration consulting specialist. Even if you marry a Danish citizen, chances are you will still struggle. Immigrants will also be selected based on their experience and qualifications – no skills, no entry.

Easiest countries to immigrate to​

Some countries make it easier to immigrate than others. There are more reasons for it. Most commonly, the lack of a workforce is the main issue. However, economies are not bad, and there are still lots of opportunities, especially if you are trying to find entry to a different market. Here are some of the best choices out there.


Italy received a few million migrants from other countries over the past few years. The country is part of the European Union and offers lots of opportunities – the north is usually better than the south from a financial point of view. You gain access to a wide market, as well as the European Union. If the country takes migrants with no issues at all, someone with skills or money to invest will be accepted immediately.

United Kingdom

The United Kingdom has some of the strictest laws and policies in the world, but at the same time, it is also open to foreigners willing to showcase their skills and experience. Assuming you can follow the strict rules, you will be welcomed with no issues at all. All in all, it does pay off getting an immigration consulting officer by your side.


Spain makes it easy for those who come from other continents. It provides easy access to the European market. The country is even more attractive to those living in the USA or Canada. Spain is also popular among expats of different nationalities. It has low living costs, but it also has a good educational system and great weather.

Spain is popular because of the golden visa program too. This program is not for everyone, though. If you fulfill all the conditions, you can get permanent residency. You would need plenty of money and a good business plan, though. As if all these were not enough, people from previous Spanish colonies will find it super simple to get a visa.


Germany is famous because it has a skilled workers immigration act and plenty of visa opportunities. Such programs make the immigration service straightforward and clear. You will get a permit for half a year, which you need to use to find a job – quite simple. Apply for a work permit after, based on the visa you have.

Immigration consulting in tax havens​

Now, no matter where you want to go live – from Paraguay and Chile to Japan and Mozambique, chances are you will need some sort of immigration consulting services. Each country has its own laws, and they can be extremely confusing – almost impossible if you are not experienced, and you cannot speak the language.

When it comes to tax havens, such places are usually open to foreigners. They take investments and support businesses of all types. Their primary role is to get money into the country, so they encourage foreign investors, foreign companies, and the incorporation of local companies – regardless of the owners' nationality.

Countries like Cyprus, Malta, the UAE, Singapore, and others will make immigration a breeze, but clearly not for everyone. Skilled workers are usually welcome, yet they need to prove their qualifications and experience. People looking to invest – business owners – are more likely to benefit from favorable programs. After all, they are there with the primary reason to invest.

Some countries accept foreigners establishing local companies. Others will require at least one director holding the respective nationality. Double-check all the rules upfront, regardless of the reason you might want to move. Keep in mind that no matter what country you choose, there will probably be at least a few programs to choose from.


As a short final conclusion, the necessity of immigration consulting is obvious. You can do things yourself if you are not in a rush and you do not mind wasting a bit of money. But then, an expert can guide you, help you overcome obstacles, save you time and money and reduce the risks of facing an unexpected rejection.

Unless you study immigration law in that country or you work in that field, it pays off relying on an expert. Plus, authorities in some countries do not deal with actual individuals, but only with lawyers, solicitors or consultants. Research your options and make a decision with your personal needs and expectations in mind.

Making an informed decision implies doing your homework upfront. Different users have different necessities, especially in terms of business, hence the necessity of researching your options upfront.
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Nice article, but I would have titled it "Analyzing the Necessity of Immigration Legal Services," because most of the time the safest, fastest, and most cost-effective method is simply hiring the best local immigration lawyer who has a sterling reputation and who speaks your language. There are far too many "consulting services" that act as middle-men and who charge horrendously marked-up fees. They still hire a lawyer to act on your behalf, but that attorney may not be the best lawyer -- just the one who is desperate for the sales and marketing services that the consultant / middleman provides to attract clients. I have seen this scenario far too often. For example, hiring the local lawyer directly may cost $5,000 but hiring the same lawyer through a consultant with a sales funnel might cost $20,000.

The scenario where such a consulting service might be worthwhile, even at an inflated cost, is where your time is far more valuable than the money that you are paying the consultant. In that case, if the consultant is offering you a bespoke service that is all-inclusive (i.e., a driver meets you at the airport, takes you to your hotel, takes you to the lawyer's office and all government offices, and the consultant and his staff hold you by the hand through every step of the process and save you time and aggravation), then it could be worthwhile to you.
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Thank you for your comments, well noted.
Nice article, but I would have titled it "Analyzing the Necessity of Immigration Legal Services," because most of the time the safest, fastest, and most cost-effective method is simply hiring the best local immigration lawyer who has a sterling reputation and who speaks your language. There are far too many "consulting services" that act as middle-men and who charge horrendously marked-up fees. They still hire a lawyer to act on your behalf, but that attorney may not be the best lawyer -- just the one who is desperate for the sales and marketing services that the consultant / middleman provides to attract clients. I have seen this scenario far too often. For example, hiring the local lawyer directly may cost $5,000 but hiring the same lawyer through a consultant with a sales funnel might cost $20,000.

The scenario where such a consulting service might be worthwhile, even at an inflated cost, is where your time is far more valuable than the money that you are paying the consultant. In that case, if the consultant is offering you a bespoke service that is all-inclusive (i.e., a driver meets you at the airport, takes you to your hotel, takes you to the lawyer's office and all government offices, and the consultant and his staff hold you by the hand through every step of the process and save you time and aggravation), then it could be worthwhile to you.
There is another aspect on the other hand: local lawyers will sell the local product, and would hardly ever recommend anything else. Greek lawyers would never mention that permanent residency permit is not given in Greece, but in Malta yes. Same way as Liechtenstein lawyers want to sell Liechtenstein companies, nothing else. You could do your own research but half-knowledge is quite dangerous IMO.
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