There is no best offshore country/jurisdiction! Also we highly recommend to get in touch with a local tax advisor or a firm specialised in corporate tax for Spain, in order to avoid any complications.
A Cyprus Holding company can be used to reduce the tax for a European company if structured correctly you will need to elaborate a little in order to make any qualified suggestion.
Offshore holding company in Seychelles, Belize or Panama and trading company in a low tax country like Malta and Cyprus that will provide you streamlined tax burdens! means you almost don't pay tax
Thank you jpay:thumbsUp: I figured out that a Seychelles holding and Cyprus bank account is sufficient, still I'm looking for a real offshore super secredt bank account.
What I'm looking at is Tanzania (mentioned here a few times), still I aint won't to do so because of the countries history.
I read that tax evasion is illegal but avoiding tax isn't illegal? If that is true than the key must be to avoid to pay tax, so what structure will help to do that?
I read that tax evasion is illegal but avoiding tax isn't illegal? If that is true than the key must be to avoid to pay tax, so what structure will help to do that?