Get to know: Brazil is a CRS country. There are 2 types of bank accounts, standard = no data exchange, and CDE = "conta para domiciliados no exterior", here you have to submit utility bill etc. on a regular basis. All transaction data are exchanged. If a Brazilian national moves abroad and the bank knows it, the account gets blocked/the card canceled. Only private banks offer such CDE accounts for huge fees. In 2017, I tried to open one with Itaú bank, and they wished to charge a 1,000 R$ monthly maintenance fee.
You also should know that all accounts are in BRL only, so no dollar or other accounts in BR for you. Please take a look at the brutal devaluation of the BRL from 2015 until now (TradingView chart).
Finally, Brazil has some sort of "money-exit-tax". When Brazilian national travel around the world, and pays his expenses with his BR-credit card, the government charges him an additional 5.38% on the transaction value (which was already higher in the past). This is called "IOF = Imposto sobre Operações Financeiras". This means when you have money there and want to spend it outside of BR, you have at least some losses (other than devaluation). So stay away from there and diversify in the Carribbean or similar. (I think in Argentina IOF is 20% or so).