I know it has been discussed a lot in the forum but can someone clarify the following:
For a Cyprus non-dom, crypto taxation is vague. As some say crypto-crypto transactions are not taxable under the non-dom but we really don't know. Under the non-dom however there is a 100% Exemption for Salaried Services Outside of Cyprus. If one was to set up a company in a nil to low-tax jursidiction (ie: Bulgaria,UAE, etc...), that company would trade the crypto , then you would pay yourself a salary or dividends, this hypothetically would not be taxable in cyprus so long as the crypto trading was not done while physically in Cyprus.
Is the problem in Cyprus only trading crypto on your personal name? With the plethora of benefits of the non-dom there must be a way around it. Or at least other structures. Please advise.
For a Cyprus non-dom, crypto taxation is vague. As some say crypto-crypto transactions are not taxable under the non-dom but we really don't know. Under the non-dom however there is a 100% Exemption for Salaried Services Outside of Cyprus. If one was to set up a company in a nil to low-tax jursidiction (ie: Bulgaria,UAE, etc...), that company would trade the crypto , then you would pay yourself a salary or dividends, this hypothetically would not be taxable in cyprus so long as the crypto trading was not done while physically in Cyprus.
Is the problem in Cyprus only trading crypto on your personal name? With the plethora of benefits of the non-dom there must be a way around it. Or at least other structures. Please advise.