Hi, hungary citizen here. Im a few steps away from signing a contract for a company formation in dubai. I got no clue if Im getting ripped off or if its a fair price. Interesting to hear about your opinions from experts. Im not going to share who it is, because of advertisement rules, and its nobody from here.
11.750 € for IFZA license, full Visa process, Emirates NBD (personal) and Wio (business) bank account with full on site assistance and personal support. "All inclusive, no extra cost" Its someone that lives in dubai and has some reputation, but runs it on a lower scale. I got told he formed around 80 companies.
Is it a fair price and with a good package?
11.750 € for IFZA license, full Visa process, Emirates NBD (personal) and Wio (business) bank account with full on site assistance and personal support. "All inclusive, no extra cost" Its someone that lives in dubai and has some reputation, but runs it on a lower scale. I got told he formed around 80 companies.
Is it a fair price and with a good package?