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How to fly with cash


Pro Member
Mar 6, 2020
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Given the more and more complicated situation of electronic money, cash seems to me more and more the better alternative, wherever it's applicable.
However, afaik, large/frequent withdrawals in foreign countries may trigger CRS-related operations.
Hence the question: what's the safest way to export cash (EUR) when flying, if above the allowed limit?
And, if there will be problems, would they happen only at destination, or also at the departure's security check (which is where hand baggage is getting x-rayed)?
Change the money into crypto currency. After arriving at the place of destination you change the crypto back to cash.
A crypto top-up debitcard like advcash is nice too.
I would suggest the exact same thing, you can move money this way very simple and no one need to know about it.
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@kkein : Some, not all destinations - local customs won't make problem at all . Just declare to local custom even if you are X 5 over limit. You will waist time, fill papers, they may ask legitimate "story", sometimes don't ask anything at all . This is rthe ight way + Legal Proof incoming money in that destination country
( now cash is 100% legit at destination).
I did and always declare no matter the amounts and never had problems. But I know guys who had big s**t because they did not.
Problems and risks are when you go out your home country.
Tip always use "Ammonia" to give a s**t to customs dogs smelling for cash and drugs. Plus precautions for Xrays needed for big amounts.
Other tricks available......
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Thanks for the tips! @ikan declaration over limit might be very expensive, and def not something i want to pay.. :)
X-ray i wonder if i have to worry about @destination.. I suppose on departure they shouldn't make problems? or is there a limit also for exporting money, and not only importing?

About crypto.. i need to research a bit more, fluctuation sounds like a big problem. But on the plus side: do i have to travel at all? Like isn't this something folks with offhsore accounts could do from their couch (and then go cash out wherever this is done, which i am not sure where, because i've really never looked into this, and never seen any "crypto atm" around here)
: exporting out of EU and clearing Cutoms : Limit 10ke - we all know. But still allowed to clear custom over limit : must declare custom and fill form. Exporting & Declaring 50ke is not the best option unless you have "real story" + kind of "origin of funds" to make them happy, No Tax.
Unfortunatly even if you declare, they can stop and keep over limit cash to go out of country for some "shady - suspicous reasons"

Basically, when you declare at export or import Customs will report to the Central Bank some cash values are out going or incoming the country. They don't report directly to Tax man, or Police. Customs always make problems or complications when you Don't Delcare (meaning the fault and punishment is To Not declare, not basicaly the fact you are over limit).
When you Declare : you can face complication but never get fined and customs are in good mood with you. Even if you are Wrong : you followed the basic rule the right way : Declaring.

Importing or/at Destination : you never pay Tax for over limit when you declare to Customs. if you don't and got catch then will come problems. You don't have to worry X-ray at destination when you declare.

About 1 destination. Before Limit was 5ke at arival. Go to Red Flag Declare Custom, and go strait to the point : declare over limit cash. They take you appart to one privat office, discuss, fill forms, all are very nice Customs Guys with good attention. Some are bored because you give them extra paper work 100% legit way. Lol ! They would have prefer to catch you "Fraud" (so much more exciting for them).
Nowdays limit increased at 60ke I still declare with lower limit (just in case + cash is stamped legit by local customs). No Tax.
True experience : It did happened they don't bother at all, refuse to declare, they just want you to clear out .......

For big amount : some tricks and extra precautions.
In EU 1 Airport must be avoided for export.
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Roma - Fiumicino Airport. To much cash on export. Customs working hard there to catch the flood.

If you are in EU you can think opening Transit account in Serbia or Montenegro, and do several cheap cross borders travels to deposit cash in their banks. You want to feel safe : do it with 10ke legal limit, going with 2 mates (total 30ke at each travel & 100% legit). At theses banks you can deposit 20 / 50 ke at 1 time just delcaring "Savings". Or each of you mates can deposit with their names on your account. The banks are happy. After you plan the next route for your savings or park there.....
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Never forget to use tiny small quantity of liquid amonia in all your bags. Amonia you and others can't smell but dogs will 1.000%. Don't play, handle the bank notes and spread their odors on your bags and clothing. Unless your are not at risk and keep the limits at export.
At the airport take the red exit and tell them "I don't know the rules of your country! So I took the red exit to be safe!".
Usually they just ask you for drugs or if you want to leave any expensive goods in the country.
For example, if you bring some brand new mobile phones or laptops.

I cannot remember they've ever asked me for money at the red gate.
There are many around i.e. kraken, advcash, changelly and many more, which one will fit into your needs I can't tell you, sorry.
in any case it seems to me that going through crypto (fiat -> crypto -> fiat) might eat > 5%. Too much imo. Of course a safe backup if there were no other ways
@kkein : I understand your feeling : 5% that makes a bunch of lost money. Unfortunaltly we are both new members here => I can't tip - advice you deeply by PM on how to fly with cash.
There are many around i.e. kraken, advcash, changelly and many more, which one will fit into your needs I can't tell you, sorry.
Wouldn't those all require some form of local bank account in your name to pay out to? If you had that available then you could just transfer the funds to that account and withdraw upon arrival. The challenge here is flying to a country where you don't have a bank account
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