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Jurisdictions for set up international trading company


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May 19, 2019
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We are an international food trading company and mainly sell in some Sub-Saharan African countries. We currently have a Seychelles company + bank account in Mauritius, but trying to move in a jurisdiction where we can have access to a more readily available financial services

For this purpose, would you have a recommendation of a preferred jurisdication to set up company and bank account? Criteria are access to a solid banking system that is competitive for transfers and open to offer trade finance services
- Thinking of something between Switzerland, HK or Singapore. Is there one that stands out among these ?
- I have set up a LLP in the UK but tried to open a bank acc with Natwest. They rejected my application, not sure if they were concerned with most of clients being in Africa....

Thanks in advance for your guidance


Up to 30K Euros for setup + office for a first year + resident director.

Monthly VAT statements.

Annual accounts and tax return.

Anual audit if 2 of 3 conditions are met.

Switzerland is excellent location, but expensive. Makes sense just in case of real multi million business.
I recommend Hawksford.

I am not their affiliate. I have no interest in promoting them.

Their prices are a little bit higher than the most of Singapore agents do have. But they want to help you first. The most of agents just want to bill you. Thwy will try to find a solution for you.