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LEDGER Mandatory Activation of Two-Factor Authentication by 29/02/2024 fake?


Merchant Account expert
Mentor Group Gold Premium
Mar 29, 2016
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I wonder if this is fake and scam which I got by e-mail today?

Dear User,

To uphold the highest security standards and ensure the protection of your digital assets, we are making two-factor authentication (2FA) a mandatory step for all our hardware wallet users. This initiative underscores our unwavering commitment to safeguarding your wallet against evolving security threats.

Important: Activation of 2FA must be completed by 29 February 2024, to avoid temporary suspension of your hardware wallet access. This measure is crucial for maintaining our platform's security integrity and ensuring the safety of your assets.

Simplified Activation Process:
  • 1 Click the "Activate 2FA" Button Below: This will direct you to the activation page where you can begin the process.
  • 2 Connect Your Ledger Device: Once on the activation page, connect your Ledger hardware wallet to your computer or phone (if you are using the Ledger Nano X). This step is essential for verifying the device and ensuring secure activation of 2FA
  • 3 Select 'Activate 2FA' Option: Choose to activate 2FA. You will then be presented with options for your 2FA method - select from Google Authenticator, Email, or SMS based on your preference.
  • 4 Continue the Process: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the setup. This may include verifying your chosen method by entering a code sent to your email or phone, or scanning a QR code with Google Authenticator.
  • 5 Enhanced Security Now Activated: Congratulations! You have now enabled state-of-the-art security for your accounts, adding an essential layer of protection.

We are committed to making this transition as smooth and efficient as possible. If you require assistance or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reply to this email.

Your security is our utmost priority. We appreciate your prompt attention to this critical update and your continued trust in our services.

Best regards,
Ledger Helpdesk

This is the link in the e-mail:
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Since the ledger email database got leaked you will get a lot of these emails. Most of them are probably hidden in your spam/junk folder but the occasional one will get through.

Do not ever interact with any links from any emails about hardware wallets.

Your hardware wallet will always work, ledger can go out of business and shut down tomorrow and it will still work, you do not need to even update the software or firmware on the ledger.

My advice is to keep your code storage crypto as cold as possible.
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