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Looking for male enhancement merchant $50k mo


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Jan 12, 2021
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Hey im based in USA & looking for a high risk merchant that accepts semi pharma adult toys, male enhancement (not viagra), creams, herbal supplements. One time purchase not subscription. Our previous merchant ChasePaymentTech decided to part ways with us even though chargebacks below 1% and returns below 2%. I've already applied to durango, soarpay and maxpay all declined. Any other suggestions? Thank you!
Have you looked into some processors already? If so what did they told you?

There are lot's of high risk payment processors in the mentor group gold, FYI
yes, they dont accept my business model. From other posts here i've seen ccbill recommended frequently but their reviews are 1 star.
f**k their reviews. CCBILL is the big player, world class player in the Adult industry, followed by Verotel and Epoch systems.
What's the problem, look at who your competition is using and copy it.

If you have a 100K business it may be easy to setup something that can work out for the first million, after that, start over again.