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COMPLETED Need UK resident director for one of our companies.

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Corporate Services
Mentor Group Lifetime
Dec 10, 2010
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I will try here to seek for a UK resident director for one of our companies.

The company is only used as an payment processor for other companies and therefore has no assets nor any liabilities. It is a requirement from the payment processor it use to handle credit cards to have a UK resident director for the company.

Please PM or write here if you can help.
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I send you an PM with a possible option you already may have found yourself but not used. We have been on the search for the same for some time, now we try and can post about the service later on in the mentor group gold forums.
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I will try here to seek for a UK resident director for one of our companies.

The company is only used as an payment processor for other companies and therefore has no assets nor any liabilities. It is a requirement from the payment processor it use to handle credit cards to have a UK resident director for the company.

Please PM or write here if you can help.
Have you found a solution?
do you mind to send me that solution, by PM ? I am in the same position than you. Thanks in advance.
I did
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Could you please share the solution? Pm.
can you share the solution you recommended or what needs to be done for you to share? =)

Thank you!
I am also interested to know the solution. Please share if possible.
If you all jump inside Mentor Group Gold I will explain to you in details how, where and who you can get for trusted nominees. If you think I will feed your asses here, forget it.
@JohnLocke close this thread.

For everyone else I see that they posted the entire solution with all what you need inside mentor group gold

Pay your upgrade and get the solution there, It is served on a silver platter there, and exactly what I found out myself some time ago
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