Thanks once again for your reply, now we summarise the proposed transaction as under
1. An all in one package which shall include Formation of Company at Cyprus,Company Secretary, Foreign Director Nominee and all statutory compliance one time in Lumpsum at EURO 3975/- a composite cost to you and shall include payment gateway integration.
2. Bank shall held back 10% of the Credit amount for 180 days as rolling Deposit
3. Rate shall be 6.95% - 9% per transaction plus 0.65 EURO per transaction AND THERE SHALL BE NO OTHER HIDDEN COST WHATSOEVER.
4. We can use this Foregin Compnay and Bank account for all our Overseas transaction including online business. This Business transaction shall be for the purpose of other Foreign Direct Investments in other countries for all legitimate business.
5. There shall be no witholding Tax in Cyprus for any Profit so earned and nor the Foreign Directors shall have any lien on such Money of the Company.
6. No lien whatsoever by either CC Logic or any of its emplyee/consultant/Foreign Director/Nominee Director/Bank etc on the money.
7. Contract being entered in utmost good faith.
8. While foramtion of the Company is done in Cyprus we will be advising some more name from India as Co-Directors
If the above are in agreement to your corporate policy then please send us (PM with my e-mail send to you) your documentation to close the transactions at the earliest.