Pentru acordarea acestei scutiri, persoana juridica romana care plateste dividendul trebuie sa indeplineasca cumulativ urmatoarele conditii:
1. este o societate infiintata in baza legii romane si are una dintre urmatoarele forme de organizare: "societate pe actiuni", "societate in comandita pe actiuni", "societate cu raspundere limitata";
2. plateste impozit pe profit, potrivit prevederilor titlului II, fara posibilitatea unei optiuni sau exceptari.
100% agree!You will not get around the 5% WHT and your SRL will either pay 3% or 1% depending on if there is at least one employee on your payroll. So it is either 6% or 8%. You have the legal obligation to submit balance sheets, tax returns. Some accountants might include that in their monthly fees but that is highly unusual. We charge for accounting, VAT/VIES submission on a monthly basis and balance sheets, tax statements on an annual basis.
The employee can be paid the national minimum wage and yes, the taxation for micro-companies is based on the revenue up to approx. 1 million euro. IF you are not making distributions of dividends your tax rate can be as little as 1%. In case you relocate to Romania, he can pay the minimum wage salary to yourself and therefor have access to public health care and only have additional costs besides the 1% tax band in the amount of the social security contributions which are based on the minimum wage, basically nothing.Thanks. I want to point out that it's 6% from the revenue, not profit. Since you need to employ someone, effectively it's more than that.
An attractive alternative is a company in Hungary that pays 9% on profit. With base erosion, it's possible to achieve and surpass Romanian levels.
The employee can be paid the national minimum wage and yes, the taxation for micro-companies is based on the revenue up to approx. 1 million euro. IF you are not making distributions of dividends your tax rate can be as little as 1%. In case you relocate to Romania, he can pay the minimum wage salary to yourself and therefor have access to public health care and only have additional costs besides the 1% tax band in the amount of the social security contributions which are based on the minimum wage, basically nothing.
You are wrong here. Dividend is not a turnover tax. It is an amount you pay after you have taken all costs out. You will see Romania tax to be 6.5 to 7.5% . It cheaper than Hungary. Plus Hungary has 9% corp tax plus local business tax of up to 2%.Thanks. I want to point out that it's 6% from the revenue, not profit. Since you need to employ someone, effectively it's more than that.
An attractive alternative is a company in Hungary that pays 9% on profit. With base erosion, it's possible to achieve and surpass Romanian levels.
You are wrong here. Dividend is not a turnover tax. It is an amount you pay after you have taken all costs out. You will see Romania tax to be 6.5 to 7.5% . It cheaper than Hungary. Plus Hungary has 9% corp tax plus local business tax of up to 2%.
What is that local business tax? Depending on the location you register your business the CIT could varies from 9% to 11%?
If you domicile it in the right place, you can reduce it to 0%
Just out of curiosity, do you know any municipality that will not impose taxes?
The Romanian 1% tax is on turnover. The 5% Divi tax is on profits as you can offset costs. Depending on your business model and profit margins there is a point to be made for Hungary and its fixed 9%. In Hungary to get 0% withholding tax on Divi you need to pay it to a non resident.Since you pay tax on revenue, i.e. can’t reduce tax base, it too is effectively a tax on turnover. So in total 6-8% no matter what. You can’t reduce it. In Hungary the ceiling is 9% but on profit so you can reduce it. If you register it in the right location you can pay 0% local tax. Therefore it’s possible to achieve better results than in Romania.
The Romanian 1% tax is on turnover. The 5% Divi tax is on profits as you can offset costs. Depending on your business model and profit margins there is a point to be made for Hungary and its fixed 9%. In Hungary to get 0% withholding tax on Divi you need to pay it to a non resident.