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Some exciting updates to the forum!


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
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Beside the ongoing process to hardening the server and make it faster we have also implemented new features.

Today we can proudly introduce the “Similar Threads” which you can see under every thread’s last post as well as when you create new threads.

Another good improvement is the search function at OffshoreCorpTalk – now it’s much more accurate and deliver much better search results.

We hope these improvements help you to get a much better experience while you are visiting our forum.

More improvements are coming and will be announce here as they get implemented.

Please watch this thread with email notifications enabled. If we have any further information we'll add it in new posts in this thread.

Enjoy your stay thu&¤#
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Another update to the SEARCH

When you type in the search bar on the forum you will see suggestions based on what you have typed so far. The terms come from phrases in our index rather than just common words. This means that it should work well for the OffshoreCorpTalk forum.

This can really help reduce missed searches.

Let us know what you think cof%¤#
Beside the ongoing process to hardening the server and make it faster we have also implemented new features.

Today we can proudly introduce the “Similar Threads” which you can see under every thread’s last post as well as when you create new threads.

Another good improvement is the search function at OffshoreCorpTalk – now it’s much more accurate and deliver much better search results.

We hope these improvements help you to get a much better experience while you are visiting our forum.

More improvements are coming and will be announce here as they get implemented.

Enjoy your stay thu&¤#
Awesome @Admin, Thanks for the timely updates, to this point..You Sure dnt let up...Appreciated.. :cool:
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Yesterday evening and today we had two (2) small outages, however, we finally moved to something stable and fast now.

Many of the European users may experience a much faster OffshoreCorpTalk :)

We don't expect any further downtime nor do we have planned anything.

Should you experience errors or have any troubles to access the forum then please use the contact form below and include as many details as possible.

Messages we receive including only the line "forum does not work" will be deleted and not answered.

Thank you for your great patience and constant support, we are very grateful that you continue and are part of the OffshoreCorpTalk family.
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good work, are you still undergoing updates?
Yes, lots is going on - legit traffic is increasing again and we are working on more major updates.

We will announce them as they come.
Thanks for all your input, we are reading and doing some changes to the text color and EDIT box during the day.. there will be alot small changes during the next days.

Keep the input coming all is appreciated thu&¤#
but the posts are a bit hard to read now with the grey text/grey background.
Do you think it is better now?

Also when you select something in the post editor (e.g. to copy it) it disappears as it has the same color of the background smi(&%
this is fixed by now, please check :)

Post your inputs here if you think there is something relevant for the user experience we should change :)