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These Are the Most Prestigious Countries

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Sounds Good but Hard to digest ...How can Switzerland come after UAE ???

Probably same way Qatar got world cup....$$$$$..lol. But seriously I guess on balance UAE is synonymous with wealth, glitz and high end lifestyle.
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UAE is synonymous with wealth, glitz and high end lifestyle.
Yes...In glamour filed Literally there is no competition for Dubai for sure......
Downtown and Dubai Maria is lit at a night...
Five star club and Party Venue there will be new every week.
New Atlantis Royal have 22 celebrity chef restaurant....
If you have sound money, Want to enjoy life There is no competition for Dubai..
With safety you have get anything you want in Dubai.....which money can buy....Literally It is a Disneyland for Adult
75.7% are pornstars in Hungary?
It’s just the number of pornstars per million inhabitants I am afraid :(
Probably more prestigious as in where Americans would like to go on vacation / think they live like kings. Rather obvious that the tax haven countries are not listed (Cayman, etc) as the OECD & co have tried to ruin their reputation for the past 30/40-ish years.

Hence it also makes sense why Baltic countries like Estonia are so low on the list. Ask any American about such a country and they will think they have to live on $8 per month and/or if they know anything about them it will be through one of the laundromat scandals.
Prestige aka "my dick is longer than yours" is such a useless and empty metric, not surprised that UAE with it's agressive marketing is on top.
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