It's going down before it is going up again. So sell and buy and HODL later when the trend goes up again.
- Bitcoin/Cryptos are seen as 'not under control' (guvmints do not like that).
- China, Korea have instituted regulatory hurdles.
- ICO madness has cooled down, some scams have been killed other succeeded. Trust is out.
- This made #2 relevant outside Asia.
- Bitcoins failure as a payment system (high ransaction fees, long transaction completion times) make it currently unfit for payments.
- Bitcoins failure as a steady growth asset makes it currently unfit for long term investing.
- Miners are pumping new tech, so difficulty will rise, mining profits will collapse, so that market is dead also.
- Ethereum has contracts, a business case so will (relatively) prosper.
- Monero will take over as currency of the deepweb/underground.
- Bitcoin will stay on for sentimental reasons and due to it's installed base.