Canada's decline is very similar to that of the United States. The country has taken in about 2 million third worlders recently, which bring third world crime, living standards, corruption and everything else undesirable about their home countries with them. They congregate together, turning parts of major cities into areas that are genuinely unsafe for native Canadians. When they get citizenship 80+% of them vote for the farthest left candidate on the ballot promising more unchecked immigration, handouts and open hostility toward entrepreneurs. They make no effort to assimilate into Canadian society. If 2 million doesn't sound like a lot, keep in mind that Canada's total population is only ~38 million and they reproduce 3-5x as fast as native Canadians. Law enforcement went "woke" years ago and chances of them doing anything if you are a victim of violent crime are very low. The main difference from the US in this regard is that most of Canada's immigrants come from third world Asia ("Asia" in the sense of Middle Eastern muslims, Pakistanis, Jewish Russians involved in organized crime*, etc. not in the Japan and Korea sense), as opposed to Africa and Latin America. Trudeau has been chipping away at fundamental Canadian freedoms during his entire tenure which accelerated greatly once the Covid hysteria gave him excuse. The government is beyond broke and has already used people protesting oppressive policies as an excuse to raid their bank accounts.
Canada is still the 15th freest economy in the world, but has been trending downward at an alarming rate for the last 10 years or so. Like the overall situation in the US, it isn't theoretically impossible for it to be turned around, just isn't likely enough that I would want to bet my future on it.
*This comes from my ex, who is a Vancouver native. She says they completely run parts of Vancouver and Toronto to the point that the government won't even investigate them. Due to Canadian gun laws being what they are they are these guys are better armed than the police and much more willing to their guns.