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What's best offshore account if not cyprus?

There are other options for instant in Mauritius :

and there are the banks in Latvia :
Interisting reading in regards to Latvia is this article US pressures Latvia to clean up its non-resident banks

and finally there is Belize :

Belize Bank - Our Country. Your Bank
Offshore Company Registration - Incorporation Offshore Companies | SFM Offshore
If you need more offshore banks just post here and I will be happy to list more in other offshore jurisdictions that are worth to look at when considering offshore accounts.
Thank you Admin, very helpful. Is there any of these banks that are easier to open an account with than the other?
Once you have found one offshore bank from the list above would you mind to share your experience with us?

I think there is a high demand for information about all the banks, how they behave and treat customers and how the tech stuff works with them, here I'm thinking about Internet banking, debit card, multi-currency accounts and all this what you need for your day to day business.

Also, it's of interest what business activity they accepting it's not that important what business you are into just some insider information about the particular bank that you have experience with would be great.
Baltikums banks sucks if you ask me, they have lots of restrictions and you are required personal visit in their branch.. So if you are willing to visit them in Russia or Latvia you may want to consider them to be an option :)
I know baltikums bank, i went to Riga and it was for a friend who has a Latvian company. He didn't complain, it was like an onshore bank.

Those last months they have changed their management and lower their fees.

They have decided to value some jurisdictions like all the EU jurisdictions including Jersey, Isle of Man, Gibraltar + Georgia...

Baltikums may say no for a bank account for Seychelles, BVI, Belize, Panama...
I want banks that

1. do not have my name in it. say my name is odonnell. I want the bank account under name bunny corp. It doesn't have to be a real corp. I just want to make it clear to tax authority that I do not own that money.
2. cheap
3. low required balance.
4. can accept money easily. Bank in belize requires tons of intermediary bank and doesn't have it's own swift code.
5. Stable. Cyprus is fine but cyprus government seize deposit in 2013. Who would want to bank there?
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You will not find a bank where you don't have your name appear anywhere unless you can find some that is willing to open the account for you. All banks regardless if it is Germany or Africa will have to get your name and put it on the bank account within their system.

Some countries it will require a court order to force the bank to reveal your data while in other countries a simple request to the bank is required. Even then most banks take 2 - 3 months and even longer to send the information to the requesting party! That gives you enough time to transfer your funds!
What did you do with banking?
I setup an account with bank of Cyprus now processing with a bank in Andorra for mainstream activity.
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