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Creatings websites

As an Admin of OffshoreCorpTalk.com it was a pleasure to use this guys work for our new banner AD creation tasks.

From my experience dealing with @lookingforward then he is a nice and very responsive guy, he worked quickly on the banner AD job we had for him and the work he delivered is awesome, we will be using him again in the near future for more work.

I can recommend him to everyone thu&¤#
As an Admin of OffshoreCorpTalk.com it was a pleasure to use this guys work for our new banner AD creation tasks.

From my experience dealing with @lookingforward then he is a nice and very responsive guy, he worked quickly on the banner AD job we had for him and the work he delivered is awesome, we will be using him again in the near future for more work.

I can recommend him to everyone thu&¤#
Thank you for your review Admin

For everyone : available again
From now on i work only with 50% of prepay, thanks to some forum users, who get my job and then dont pay for 2-3 days, ignoring while being constantly using this forum.
you should take upfront payments always. Did the user used your work?
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Reactions: lookingforward
you should take upfront payments always. Did the user used your work?
As i know user wanted to put image as AD here, and in other forums/websites. Yes about upfront i always knew, but as you can see per this forum i was rising my trust barrier by doing all work first. I sent all of our chat to admin, so i think this users ad here will not go for sure :) I gave him time until today evening, if no, everyone will know this user here.