Thanks, Mr. Admin
I am starting up and trying to find a good place for my business.
I can deal with banks that do not like it. But I would need it to be legal in Cyprus, both because I do not want to risk any future trouble and because the payment processor says it is necessary (to be a legal business in the country of the company and the country of the buyer).
I found, they have really good fees for high risk, 4.9% and some 0.35 euro for each transaction. But they have not accepted me yet since I have not finished setting up the business (or the website). I might get rejected, who knows. I asked, they charge over 15%!, and the customer support guy rejected me once he understood that I have an escort directory (and from their rates, their website and the fact that they are based in Amsterdam I did not quite expect that). If you have any thoughts on this matter, any input would be appreciated
But to be on topic for this thread, my most important thing now is to know if this is actually legal or not in Cyprus...