I have a problem, since I have a store selling replicas; but they have closed the payment gateway I had. To solve it I have the following idea:
I have a Site A (store replicas .com) and I have a Site B (normal store .com).
I want people to be able to buy in store replicas .com everything they want, put their address and everything, like any normal store.
I already have Woocommerce and the replicas store and I also have a normal store set up.
What I want is that when people enter to pay in replica store .com they will be redirected to normal store .com and there the order and the value (extracted from replica stores) and pay as they prefer (paypal, stripe...).
Everything is done, the stores are done, both use Woocommerce, the only thing I need is someone to help me or explain me how to send people from replica stores .com (Site A) to normal store .com (Site B) to pay.
What data do I need to be passed? Simply from Site A to Site B to pass: Value and Order Number (and with these values go directly to pay).
I have a problem, since I have a store selling replicas; but they have closed the payment gateway I had. To solve it I have the following idea:
I have a Site A (store replicas .com) and I have a Site B (normal store .com).
I want people to be able to buy in store replicas .com everything they want, put their address and everything, like any normal store.
I already have Woocommerce and the replicas store and I also have a normal store set up.
What I want is that when people enter to pay in replica store .com they will be redirected to normal store .com and there the order and the value (extracted from replica stores) and pay as they prefer (paypal, stripe...).
Everything is done, the stores are done, both use Woocommerce, the only thing I need is someone to help me or explain me how to send people from replica stores .com (Site A) to normal store .com (Site B) to pay.
What data do I need to be passed? Simply from Site A to Site B to pass: Value and Order Number (and with these values go directly to pay).