I was just told by an accountant of a friend that if EU company pays UAE company for anything non-tangible (like consulting etc) you owe tax in EU on those wires? While it would make sense, since otherwise it would be too easy to offset all your profit in EU by just paying it all to an UAE company for "consulting" it's first time I hear about such "exit" tax? So is it true and how exactly is called this law so I can read up on it? What exactly it includes?
I don’t think that’s accurate. There’s no straight-up “exit tax” on sending payments to a UAE company for something like consulting. It would depend on a few different things, though. Here’s what I know:
Withholding Tax: Some countries in the EU might hit you with a withholding tax when you’re paying a company outside the EU for services. But there are tax treaties between most EU countries and the UAE, which usually reduce or even wipe out those taxes on stuff like consulting fees. You’d have to check the specific treaty between the country you're dealing with and the UAE.
Transfer Pricing: Now, if the two companies are somehow related (like part of the same group), they’re going to look at transfer pricing. That means the price you’re paying the UAE company has to be what you’d pay if they weren’t related. If you’re trying to shuffle profits around, tax authorities could catch on and adjust the numbers.
Anti-Avoidance Rules: There are also anti-tax avoidance rules in the EU, especially with the Anti-Tax Avoidance Directive. They’re on the lookout for people trying to dodge taxes by sending profits to low-tax countries like the UAE. If they think that’s what’s going on, they might make you pay up, but that’s not really a “tax on wires” or anything—it’s more about preventing shady business practices.
Substance Requirements: If the UAE company is just a shell with no real operations, that could be a problem. Some countries will see through that and treat it like the payments were going somewhere else with actual substance.
Bottom line, It’s not about an “exit tax,” but if you’re making big payments to the UAE for services, you might trigger other taxes or rules, depending on the specifics. If you want to dig into it, look up withholding tax laws in the country you’re working with, the double tax treaty with the UAE, and EU anti-avoidance rules. Should give you a clearer picture.
Hope that clears it up.