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Mentor Group Gold Exlusive


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
Mentor Group Gold Exclusive for Professionals.


Our Mentor Group Gold Exclusive group is the top level membership you could get from the OffshoreCorpTalk forum. The section has been recently established in order to provide a deeper insight into anything related to offshore companies and associated services. It is the type of group that provides access to topics that you will not find anything about in the general forums. Now, why would you sign up for this type of membership and what does it bring it?

Most importantly, the Mentor Group Gold Exclusive section is private and allows access to our advertisers and sponsors. You might have seen them on the forum already – they are advertised for and they often have their own discussion threads, where they introduce our community to their services and answer all kinds of related questions. This section takes everything to another level and puts you closer to these advertisers, but it also reveals their humane side.

Our interviews are done with the people behind the businesses. You will no longer see an actual username or a company name. Instead, you will get to meet the people running these businesses – who else could give you a better insight about what to expect? We have a bunch of questions for them in order to help them reveal some more, but we also have a few challenging topics to clear out everyone’s misconceptions or potential issues.

Both past and current advertisers will have their live interviews. We want to introduce them to you – the actual users, clients and customers – and show you who the people behind these businesses are. At this point, you will gain an extra layer of security knowing that you are dealing with people who are not afraid to openly talk about their businesses. Try to see it this way – if someone would be interested in pulling a scam, they would not show their actual faces or names over our live interviews.

On another note, these advertisers come from all fields and industries – everything is related to offshore applications and businesses though. You may not be interested in company formation or relocation to a tax heaven, but you might be interested in bank accounts in certain countries or perhaps an accounting service for your offshore business. No matter what it is, if it is related to the offshore industry and we have as advertised providing it, you will be able to watch some live interviews about it.

Apart from the extra peace of mind associated with these interviews, we plan to turn this section into a more professional part of the forum. This premium membership means that you are serious about it and you do want or have a business. You are not fooling around, so we aim to keep it among professionals only. Once inside, you will gain access to hot topics and threads that may not be on the actual forums – deeper discussions, better ideas and solutions to overcome offshore issues.

The section is constantly under improvement, so expect further surprises and updates as time goes. Looking forward to seeing you in!

If you are still not a member of the Mentor Group Gold and have access to the EXCLUSIVE area then it's time to waste no more time, signup today.
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I have been waiting for seeing some of the folks around here in real to get a better trust level in them. This is a nice move from the forum mods. Please service providers, get your interview in there it's money in your pockets.