So you're saying there's no
income tax as long as you're not paid in fiat? Would the tax authority agree with that? Every time I have employed someone, it's been clear that even payment in kind is taxable. Just a matter of what the threshold is and how for example expenses are handled. But paying someone or a company in
crypto isn't a legal way to be excluded from tax.
If you get paid 10,000 EUR/month in
bitcoin, you have 10,000 EUR/month worth of income to declare and pay tax on. When you sell the bitcoin, that may or may not be taxable (again).
Our guy here has (probably) been committing tax evasion for 10 years. Moving to UAE isn't going to undo that.
Not saying anything will happen, especially if he keeps a low profile, and doesn't move back EU/
Romania anytime soon. But tax evasion is still tax evasion. Look at the details of this question. It's income over a period of time and he ends it by asking if his former home country in the EU will have "legal claim on any tax". The answer to that is a resounding most likely yes.