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Need country with min 16% income tax

Personal income or corporate tax?

For corporate, maybe Hong Kong (16.50%, territorial basis but no one will complain if you pay tax on the full amount), Singapore (17%, semi-territorial considerations), or UK (19% , worldwide)?

Personal is harder since most jurisdictions have tiered system where you pay different amounts depending on how much you've earned.
Why not set up a company in a jurisdiction like say Mauritius and you route all your Consulting income to the Mauritian company which pays a 15% corporate tax rate. The company could settle your personal expenses depending on arrangements made and you thereby don't remit income to you which will be taxable as you havn't paid at taxes at the rate of at least 16%.
Why do you need the income to be in your personal name? If that is true and can't change you have to relocate, there is no place where you can route your money to while you live in a different country and avoid to pay taxes!

Such setups are very complicated and requires you to look into the mentor group gold to be discussed further.

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