What happens when you get a bunch of disputes and your balance cannot cover it? Then the payment processor goes to charge your bank on file, but oh wait, you closed your account and withdrew all your cash. The balance is now negative, how can the processor recoup those funds? They need some business entity or persons to go after in this case, and KYC can decrease potential fraud. Now there may be a reason for no kyc, perhaps to protect identity or do business that may be prohibited by the processor. I'd advise you to keep using the stripe method, cycling through accounts. Because any processor worth it's salts will ask for KYC, if not your risking holding your money in some offshore processor. If they steal your money what can you do? Nothing, or they can ask for KYC later on and hold your funds ransom.
I use to know a processor that was for high risk businesses, they would payout in crypto it was ran by some russians - in the end they froze everyone's money and not a single thing you could do about it. I would divide your sales as you scale between 3-4 stripe accounts, you cycle through them every few days that way all your funds are not inside one account. And they are all warmed up so it does not trigger any abnormal volume spike. If 1 goes down, worst case is you lose a few days of revenue.
Also how are you cashing out to bank? The bank need to match persons name on stripe? Eventually this could get you fucked, do you have a business and use someone else's social/name? Then link matching biz bank to stripe.