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OffshoreCorpTalk Ready To Destroy Offshore Myths & Push The Industry Further


Elite Member
Dec 29, 2008
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You do not have to be an expert to see it – many American banks simply fail to provide their customers with a safe banking service. Not only is it not affordable, but things can go terribly wrong if the bank goes under. The situation is not different in Europe either – some banks seem stable enough, but others are close to insolvency, putting their customers' hardly earned money at risk.

At this point, you will probably ask yourself – what would happen if your bank becomes insolvent? What happens to your money? Do you have the energy to fight insurance companies to recover your money? Will the government help? Everything would be alright if you knew your money is safe, but you know governments and insurance companies do not really care about the people.

So, are there any better solutions? Is there a way to come up with some great interest rates for your money? Can you diversify your assets to avoid keeping all your eggs in one basket? Can you get assurance that your money is safe? OffShoreCorpTalk knows there are solutions and everyone has access to them.

The modern, yet safe alternative​

Going offshore implies going abroad. You can basically run some business operations abroad. You can register your business abroad and benefit from another system. You can have a bank account in a different country and gain higher interest rates. You can diversify assets, currencies and so on. In other words, your eggs are split into more baskets. Your money is safe and it cannot be touched.

It makes no difference how much money you have in your account. It makes no difference if you have thousands of millions. An offshore bank account or offshore business operations represent a must in today's unstable society. Unfortunately, lots of people avoid these opportunities because they are no longer as simple and straightforward as they used to be.

The trouble and hassle you need to go through in order to open an offshore account is certainly worth your efforts though. What makes it difficult is the procedure. There are new rules, laws and regulations to take in consideration. There are more countries that can be considered tax heavens too. On the same note, there are even more misconceptions regarding this industry.

OffShoreCorpTalk providing insights on the offshore industry​

OffShoreCorpTalk has been established in 2009. It has been through a comprehensive upgrade in 2016 and it has grown to become the largest meeting place for offshore professionals and enthusiasts. Mostly running as a forum, the discussion boards boost around 150,000 messages, close to 30,000 threads on offshore topics and almost 15,000 members gaining information or sharing their knowledge.

The forum is not just a random discussion board where people come, share opinions and go. Company owners share their experience on going offshore and diversifying their assets. Banking professionals from more countries discuss details and regulations regarding banking systems from tax heavens, as well as the procedures to open accounts.

Tax lawyers are just as common over OffshoreCorpTalk, helping users understand the tricks of the system, while business consultants and insurance agents aim to bring a more diversified array of services to those in need. Accountants and financial planners provide multiple services, but also share their knowledge.

If you think about it, these are the types of professions you would require to successfully go abroad and diversify your assets. It makes no difference if you want lower taxes, higher interest rates or just diversification. There are so many aspects to think about that most people find the task overwhelming – this is why they simply choose to live with uncertainty instead.

But they are not alone. No one was born with all this education. This is why people come together and ask for advice, come up with strategies, discuss options, get ideas and learn from others' previous experiences, successful stories and mistakes. Offshore matters are diversified, but the forum has managed to bring everything together in one place.

The best part about it? Everything is free. People can sign up, access forums and discuss. Search for whatever you are interested in and you will most likely find a few discussions about it. Chances are you will find the answers you require within minutes – obviously, there is still a bit of work on your side, but you get the basics.

Then, you also gain paid access to a completely different environment through a premium subscription. Paid access allows you to go through the private part of the OffshoreCorpTalk forum, where you can gain access to industry specialists and professionals. You will find people working for top organizations and providing services all across the world.

From top notch tax planning, access to new markets and tax reduction to lighter regulations, cheaper manufacturing costs, greater privacy and stronger asset protection, OffshoreCorpTalk is the kind of place where everyone can research their own opportunities. It all starts with the setup or the registration and moves on through banking and other financial services.

Make new friends, find the services you require (rather than rely on random services over search engines), get in touch with people who have been through the exact same situation, find business partners and providers who have helped hundreds or thousands of people – it is all about communication, sharing, connecting and exploring new opportunities.

To keep it simple, OffshoreCorpTalk can be a helpful guide, as well as a resource gathering together experts from various related industries. Whether you are looking for tips, you are only educating yourself, you need a mentor or you are after certain services, chances are you will find everything you need over the forum.

While most of the free users hang around for the educational part and the answers to direct questions, premium members are ready to move everything to the next level. They are ready to establish partnerships, find services and move their money or their business operations. Whatever you are interested in, chances are a quick look over the forum will hook you in straight away.

The legal profile of offshore banking​

Offshore banking is often associated with famous scandals involving millionaires and large companies trying to evade tax. Going offshore is not illegal though. If you can travel to another country and its regulation allows foreigners to have bank accounts, you are not breaking any law at all. Indeed, the industry has a negative reputation, but it is perfectly legal.

Simply put, anyone is entitled to an offshore account. You have the right to have it. Follow the respective country's laws and rules and you will be alright.

Now, tax evasion is a completely different scenario. While the two elements are often related, they are completely different. Someone may have an offshore bank account to diversify assets or pay less tax. Someone else may get an account for tax evasion. The purpose of the account is what makes it legal or illegal, not the actual account itself.

For example, in the USA, you are supposed to tell the government that you have an offshore account. The government wants to keep an eye on you, as well as your finances. People up there want your money and do not want you to make more profit without paying them. Having an offshore account for the right reasons is perfectly legal – make sure you become familiar with the law though.

Once you understand the regulations and how they work, you will discover all kinds of options in terms of offshore banking, as well as numerous advantages.

Reducing political risks in offshore activities​

As you reveal the topics, ideas and financial plans over OffshoreCorpTalk, you will inevitably become familiar with a bunch of advantages and thoughts that you are not familiar with. If you think offshore activities are all about money, you are wrong. Sure, you can pay less tax or gain a higher interest rate, but at the same time, offshore activities are also about protecting yourself.

In many countries out there, politicians are nothing but criminal in suits. Corruption is extremely high – take some of the countries in Eastern Europe, for example. Then, there are lots of apparently democratic countries that are actually run by dictators – see the protests in Belarus. Some countries are known for the harsh rules regarding money, as well as numerous abuses against the wealthy.

Living in such a country can bring in a series of limitations. You know that you cannot make too much money on your own because sooner or later, men in suits will knock on your door. You know you could end up arrested for some random reasons or perhaps have your wealth confiscated. Dictatorial governments – official or unofficial – have a history of abusing their wealthy, who often try to escape before making their wealth public.

This is not the only reason wherefore many people try to protect their assets against political issues though.

There are no doubts about it – politics can never be stable. These days, instability is more common than ever. Counties that appear to be stable end up falling out of nowhere – surprise news and various secrets kept hidden by governments come out, ruining everything. Unless you live in a super stable country like Switzerland, chance are you always ask yourself – will my money by safe 20 years from now?

No matter what kind of assets you own, it is perfectly normal to feel anxious about the future. Countries on the rise fall when least expected and vice versa. Wars go around, different agreements, unexpected changes and so on – take a look at how Brexit is changing everything in the UK and Europe.

The good news is that both local and federal governments cannot control offshore bank accounts. While they might be able to know about them – make sure you know the law, they do not have the same level of control. In other words, your money is out of control. It is incredibly difficult to seize foreign accounts, not to mention freezing them.

Whether you have legal problems in your country or frozen assets for some random reasons, your abroad money will be safe to keep and use.

Deciding to bank offshore will provide the opportunity to deal with a bank in a politically stable country. Of course, things can change, but so do offshore accounts – you can always move on to another country. Furthermore, an offshore bank account will also provide way more privacy than a local bank account.

Protection against criminal activities​

Criminal activities can embrace more forms and can go in different directions. Some of them are fully illegal and recognized, while others are generally acceptable because they embrace a legal form. OffshoreCorpTalk agrees that offshore banks can reduce the risks against such issues.
Protection against criminal activities

Starting with the less official criminal activities, you may already know that people can go to trial for anything these days. Your company is growing and making money. You are rising like a star and partnerships come from all directions. Then, out of nowhere, you get a citation. You have just been sued for whatever reason. It does not have to be real and believe it or not, many companies fail in front of frivolous lawsuits.

Frivolous lawsuits go in more directions. Someone may bring back something you did a decade ago – irrelevant to your business, but worth some money. Others may come up with unusual reasons to get a piece of your money – offensive morals, depression and so on. The list could literally go on forever. The thing is – many of these issues can be prevented.

When your assets are known and public, there will be lots of unscrupulous individuals who will try to get a piece. You have plenty, so there is a big piece of pie there. Lawyers will kick in like wolves – their commissions will be just as fat. But when your stuff is kept abroad, you will look like an average Joe with just enough money to live about average – better than others, but not worth a frivolous lawsuit.

Then, what happens if the lawsuit actually succeeds? What if the accusations are tough and severe? Your assets will be frozen. You risk running out of cash. You risk not being able to pay suppliers and take care of your customers' needs. Practically, such a frivolous lawsuit can ruin your business. You may not be able to trade, meaning you will have to close down. Money in an offshore bank account is almost impossible to freeze. Unless you are an international terrorist, chances are no government or courthouse will be able to touch your money.

From a completely different point of view, OffshoreCorpTalk boosts the importance of offshore applications against more obvious criminal activities too. You can explore the forum and read all kinds of stories – they may not be in the news and they may not be official, but they make perfect sense.

Imagine running a successful business in a country with numerous legal issues, such as Mexico or Colombia. You know already that drug cartels tend to run such countries – despite efforts from local authorities, cartels are well armed and can start wars. They have people everywhere – including clerks providing details on accounts and business people with good amounts of money. You do not have to be famous or run millions of dollars. Instead, having a fat account will draw unnecessary attention.

Criminals will try anything to get a piece of your hard work and the risks may often become life threatening. Hosting money offshore will keep your account to a decent stage and prevent you from becoming a target.

Accessing lower tax rates​

Imagine a dollar. You work for it. You are taxed for it. You get 80 cents. You go buy some food – you are taxed on it. That dollar goes down to 64 cents. A few other investments and you barely get a few cents out of your hardly earned dollar. It is said that the first decades you spend working will only pay for tax – only then you can actually make some actual profits.

Seeking a lower tax rate is not an argument. Obviously, if you live in a super civilized country providing free healthcare, education and a top notch infrastructure, it might be worth it. But when the health system is low, education is poor and you hit a pothole every couple of roads, something is not right. So, why would you pay so much tax then?

There are more reasons wherefore some countries provide low tax rates – or no taxes at all. It is usually a matter of development. For instance, Baltic countries tend to provide super low taxes in order to boost their economies. In fact, Estonia will provide zero tax opportunities if you leave the money in the company you run. Now, you may ask yourself – who is the USA to say that Estonia should not be a business paradise?

Such states were initially part of the Soviet Union. These days, they are part of the EU and feature a capitalist society. They do not want wars. Instead, they want to boost their economies. Therefore, they aim to attract business people and companies by providing low taxes. They realize that overtaxing their people could lead to misery and poor economies.

Now, if you want to move some of your operations to Cyprus or Estonia and hire some locals, is there anything wrong with that? Absolutely nothing.

Based on where you live, there might be some restrictions and regulations on transfer pricing. For example, you cannot run a company in the USA and send all the money coming out of it to Cyprus out of nowhere, without some good reasons. There are some principles you might have to follow. Morals are essential in such cases – you need to get that low tax rate in a legal manner.

OffShoreCorpTalk laying the foundation for a safer future​

OffShoreCorpTalk aims to bring in all these benefits in a crystal clear manner. Lots of people keep away from offshore applications for two reasons. First, they have no idea what to do. There is too much research to do, too many laws to consider, too much hassle and so on. It sounds like a headache. Is it worth it? Absolutely. Is it going to be hard? Yes, in the beginning. As you become familiar with the industry, you will be able to float around and move your assets without too much stress.

Second, offshore industries are also associated with crime. But every industry is. There will always be unscrupulous individuals trying to avoid the law, whether it comes to criminal activities and tax evasion. There is not much going on in the press about offshore businesses, but you will certainly hear about a big scandal. Indeed, there is a bad reputation around, but there are millions of other people doing it right.

There are some reasons wherefore OffShoreCorpTalk has gained so much notoriety lately – it brings you the legal purpose of the industry. It puts you in contact with industry professionals. It educates you. It answers your questions. It makes the job easier. You no longer need to be afraid of the unknown – there will always be someone there to help you, regardless of what you need help with.

As a short final conclusion, it makes no difference why you want to go offshore. You might want a lower tax or perhaps you are trying to diversify your assets before retirement. Your reasons are irrelevant. Get in touch with professionals, ask, get answers and if you are ready to do it, seek help from gold members, mentors and leaders.

OffShoreCorpTalk is a free forum with access to all the information you could think of. To some, it is an excellent educational tool. To others, it is that last piece in the puzzle before actually making the move.
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Great & informative article. I like OffshoreCorpTalk very much and visit the site frequently, every now and then you update with fantastic updates.

Whether you have legal problems in your country or frozen assets for some random reasons, your abroad money will be safe to keep and use.
that's one of my key points to visit OCT.
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The OffshoreCorpTalk forum has been one of the best resources I found back in time. Still it is up to date with latest changes in the tax and compliancy world due to high professional people around here taking the time to inform about it.
Did anyone read this at all ?
never see it before, where did you find it ?

The read is cool, just need a few updates here and there, generally it is valid.