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Rent a company with bank account

If you rent a company, you may get responsible for all the liabilities of this company.
If the company is in debt, you may have to pay them back, if you don't pay attention.
Winglio is kind of unuseful since you need to have first to sign a contract with the paying company. Not really easy if you need to get a payment to ask the payer to get in a contract with you.
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When you use Winglio, you need to let your customer sign a contract first (through their Winglio platform) and then you can receive a payment.

Let's say you are a designer. You need to create a contract through Winglio control panel.
Your customer needs to sign that contract. Then you can do your job and receive the payment.
It's not like Winglio give you their data (Company name, address, IBAN) and you simply ask your customer to pay there.

For me it was a turnoff. I can't ask Amazon or Booking or Expedia to sign a contract first with Winglio. That's ridiculous.

I think they are more oriented to freelancers like designers, developers, etc.
To rent a company with bank account incure huge risk for the organisation that rent the company to a 3rd party. We had this discussion already for years here at OffshoreCorpTalk. Anyway, I can see why people request and look for such service but anyone that take advantage of such offers need to pay extra attention to the risk they enter into.
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thank you all for the feedbacks gents, it is much appreciated!
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