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US LLC - Bank crypto friendly


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Nov 20, 2017
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I am looking for a bank EMI for my US LCC company that is crypto friendly. More precisely, I need to transfer funds via ACH/WireTransfer to my Kraken account.

What is your experience with the EMIs below in crypto transactions?

- Relay
- Trynovel
- Levro

I know Mercury is crypto-friendly, but it's working fine for me and I don't want to risk flagging it with some crypto-related red flag.

Any other suggestions?
Verifo works for an LLC in Delaware?
I think so, depending on activities of course. I asked them if one could open an account for a US LLC as a non resident with EU citizenship and they responded:

"Please be informed that the US companies with [EU country] UBO are acceptable, but before providing confirmation we need additional information on company’s activities."