You can't receive or send payments outside Wise as a HK company. They provide the account because some businesses that are involved in sending money to people can use Wise to get cheaper transfers or pay out specifically to Wise accounts. They are working on a partnership with ZA Bank in Hong Kong, but they can't provide the MSO solutions before getting the partner bank prepared. If none of the HK MSOs onboarded you, the business might be risky / problematic, or you didn't provide a suitable description of the business.
You might be able to get an account with
@swissmoney if you need a dedicated IBAN just for EUR and pooled IBANs. You could also try Bankera / Pervesk, the fees are pretty expensive, but if you are fine with that, the solutions are not bad (
@Gediminas can also help you as an introducer). Lastly, I can potentially suggest Mistertango, but the compliance is pretty complex after all those fines a few years ago (and the pricing is still bad). They can take HK companies though.