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deposit crypto exchanges from UAE personal banks


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Aug 1, 2023
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I have personal bank accounts recently opened in UAE. One of them is ENBD account, the other one is Mashreq Neo. I have residency there too.
Soon I will get 150k-200k Eur funds to my uae accounts. It is all legit income from my software business which I have transparent source of funds proof.
The thing is I'd like to buy some crypto from trusted exchanges (kraken, binance or even local uae ones if there is any).
The amount I'd like to send from my personal bank account to crypto exchanges is 50k-100k Eur.
Which banks are friendly for sending 50k eur per month to exchanges? Which exchanges are also friendly with UAE banks?
I have zero idea about P2P things and how they work or how trusted they are. So that's why I just would like to follow usual way to fund my accounts in exchanges with my legal funds in banks.
Any advice will be appreciated.
Dubai banks don’t like crypto.
Seen then freeze payments a lot. Open with wise and then pay to the OTC desk
Like DG said , take it to the OTC desk and save yourself the headache
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