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Offshore Company Formation Services - Get help for your offshore company formation service here


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Dec 29, 2008
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Offshore Company Formation Services, world wide the best services available, find it right here :) Running a large business is not an easy task. There are many aspects that you need to carefully manage and handle to ensure that the business will run smoothly. Aside from these, every business has resources that must be utilized efficiently to maximize profit and overall success. For this reason, some companies opt to tap the services of offshore companies.

An offshore company is comparable to an extension of a corporation in a different country. It performs whatever is the assigned or designated tasks for a corporation as if it operates in the same country as the corporations home base. With the modern innovations in telecommunication and the internet, corporations can now utilize offshore companies in handling different business functions, whether it is customer-facing (such as customer service, technical support, or sales) or back office (like accounting, bookkeeping, and financial analysis).One company or corporation may allocate numerous responsibilities to a single offshore company, or they may choose to partner with different offshore companies in different countries and assign a specific task or department for each of them.A company or corporation prefers to have an offshore office for numerous reasons. Some of the benefits that a corporation can get from having an offshore company are low operation costs, low taxation, anonymity of major shareholders and directors, protection of company assets, and ease of management.However, choosing the perfect offshore company for a corporation is not an easy task and is something that must be carefully planned and researched. It is crucial to consider several factors in choosing an offshore company including the following:
  • Pricing The primary reason why most companies opt to have an offshore company is to save money by reducing operation costs. One advantage of an offshore company over an in-site department is labor costs. Different countries have different wage ranges, but they are generally a lot lower in comparison to the wage range of a US-based employee, thus, a corporation can save if they hire offshore employees to perform operational tasks, instead of employing in-site staff.
Most offshore companies can handle different business functions for a corporation at a lower production cost. Check and compare total operation costs for every potential offshore company and choose which one can yield more profit.
  • Nature of service - When choosing an offshore company, it is also advisable to match business function that will be assigned or delegated to it. This way, a corporation can maximize productivity and profit as they are assured that the offshore company can deliver the performance they are expecting. India, for example, is a perfect choice for technical support services as most employees there are technologically inclined.
The Philippines is one of the most preferred offshore sites for customer service due to their innate hospitality and customer concern, while Hong Kong and Singapore are often the countries of choice for financial and banking services. Identify which business function will be assigned to an offshore company and do a research to shortlist possible offshore locations.
  1. Communication - Since an offshore company will be in-charge of a particular department or business function for a corporation, it is important to establish constant communication. An offshore company should be able to communicate easily to its mother corporation to ensure that business will flow smoothly. It is also important that an offshore company can easily understand the requirements of a corporation, relay it fluently to their workforce, and respond to queries immediately.

  2. Reliability - Since offshore companies rely on the internet and telecommunication, it is important to check that an offshore company has enough resources and facilities capable of handling the required tasks. It is also advisable to check backup facilities and contingency plans that an offshore company have, should an emergency occur (i.e. system outage due to internet connection dropout).

  3. Location This is also an important factor to consider when choosing an offshore company. Factors such as geographical location, weather patterns and cultural differences can greatly affect the performance of an offshore company. Can it establish a constant and secured link to the mother corporation? Does the country experience numerous natural disasters like storms and earthquakes? Are the employees amenable to comply with the policies and procedures of the corporation without crossing cultural beliefs and traditions (such as working during holidays)?
  4. Stability - Investigating an offshore companys previous performances can help a corporation identify its stability. Past records and former and current clients of an offshore company can give a corporation an idea how good and efficient they are in terms of delivering expected and required results. This factor also includes the economic and political stability of the country where the offshore company is located. It is imperative that an offshore company provides services legitimately. They also have to make sure that they wont encounter any legal issues during the entirety of the contract.
  5. Flexibility The needs and requirements of a corporation may change because of different factors such as market trends, customer feedback, financial priorities, etc. Since an offshore company is an extension of a corporation, it must be amenable to make necessary changes, should the mother corporation require it. They must be capable of acting upon varying business needs and demands and still deliver the expected quality of performance.

  6. Staffing - Does an offshore company have enough manpower to perform the needed task? If not, is it capable of producing the required number of workforce that a corporation requires? It is important to check the staffing capabilities of your choice before finalizing the contract. Aside from entry-level employees, it is also necessary to check whether there are adequate people who can manage the employees and run the function in line with the corporations policies and procedures. A corporation must check if an offshore company has sufficient experience and expertise in handling the delegated business functions with minimal training and supervision.
Picking the right offshore company formation to handle business functions for a corporation is indeed a tedious task. However, this is something that must be taken seriously and carefully as an offshore company will be a corporations partner in ensuring growth. Together, both will work hand in hand towards achieving a common goal and optimal success.
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Thank you for sharing Admin.. nice read actually.
Thank you for commenting ;)
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Thanks for the share Admin, useful information and at the same time you need to add that some offshore jurisdictions are simple not good any longer so some of the service providers / agents helping people to open offshore accounts and corps.
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Thanks for the share Admin useful information and at the same time you need to add that some offshore jurisdictions are simple not good any longer so some of the service providers / agents helping people to open offshore accounts and corps.[/quote']
You have something special in mind?
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If you are looking for reliable offshore agent's I put a list together below, have a look at them and pick at your own risk and obligations:

Hope this helps, good luck to all of you nice people :puter:
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Thanks for sharing your inpu haslan :)
If you are looking for reliable offshore agent's I put a list together below, have a look at them and pick at your own risk and obligations:

Hope this helps, good luck to all of you nice people :puter:
Great list, thanks for sharing, any personal experience with any of these agents?
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There are a lot more providers out there also you may check thus that are not popping up at page 1 sometimes they are even more professional and have a better track record compared to these companies!
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Do you have any experience with any of these providers? Just wondering because it seems some of them have no reviews at all on the net! This does not have to mean anything negative actually it could be the opposite.

Just make sure that when you are looking into any service that provide offshore company formation and related that you get:

All incorporation documents including

  • Memorandum & Articles
  • Company Certificate
  • Share Certificate
  • Registered Office Address
  • Directors first meeting
  • Original Documents send to you
  • Follow up support after everything is setup

If you open an offshore account for the company then make sure that you get some of the following service included:

  • Internet banking in English
  • Debit Card (Visa or Mastercard)
  • Multi Currency Account i.e. USD, GBP & EUR
  • PIN Generator / Token Device
  • Direct access to your banker

There are enough points where people fail when theu are entering into a offshore company formation so I hope above can be of a little help.
You need to check your agent and it's availability in the future. Once you have your offshore corp. you will need follow up services from your agent i.e Certificate of Incumbency, certificate of good standing both will be requested by the banks once the Company is more than 6 months old!
You need to check your agent and it's availability in the future. Once you have your offshore corp. you will need follow up services from your agent i.e Certificate of Incumbency, certificate of good standing both will be requested by the banks once the Company is more than 6 months old!
What will happen if you agent isn't there any longer? I mean will your company be lost and what's in matters of administration (nominee director & shareholder) if appointed?