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The people who comment here that it is very safe in Latin America, and that they have not suffered any kind of scam attent, it is because they have not walked in certain places. It's enough to be on Tinder to see how many women ask you for money, and the same in Venezuela. $200 dollars for food. if you don't offer them money, they begun to swear and insult you because you are not a normal man, you are soulless blah blah blah. funny thing is that when i donated some money they were still attacking me, telling what a bad person/man i am. :lol

It's enough to be on Tinder or go to certain bars to be noticed as a potential target. Normally, if you go with 10 friends, or if you just walk around the open market area, streets, where there is usually also police, or other places, you won't experience anything. Because that's not where GANGS (Pandilleros) operate. Those who will drug you , and rob you , they go to the "lake where there are a lot fish", tinder, clubs, avenues. Or they usually kidnap foreigners from airports. They just won't walk around the villages until they see a stranger in 3 years.
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I had to look this up! rof/%

Do you guys use an app to meet girls? F*ck! I'm old AF then :oops:

This has NEVER EVER crossed my mind! What could possibly go wrong?

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Do you guys use an app to meet girls? F*ck! I'm old AF then :oops:
For real! hahaha Every time I think about this I'm like "I guess I'm old already cuz I don't see the point of needing an app for that" rof/% I remember many years ago in the early days of messenger and my friends were like "let's go to this place, I met these guys on yahoo chat and we will meet there" and I'm like "ok, it's either I'm too cautious or I just don't understand how people don't see how s**t can hit the fan in such situations"

it is because they have not walked in certain places.
Who is so stupid enough to walk in dangerous places on purpose? If you go to the US will you be walking across the Bronx at midnight alone just for fun?... Buddy, I lived 16 years in Venezuela and I have been in places than after being there I was like "why the hell did I go there, am I crazy?". Search about "Sabaneta" and you will see where I played soccer in the streets ;). It's like I said: Latam is not for weak people, unfortunately a lot of foreigners go to Latam thinking they can be like they are when being I don't know, in Dubai and then realize how dangerous the world can be. That's why when friends go to Latam I always need to teach them before they go
For real! hahaha Every time I think about this I'm like "I guess I'm old already cuz I don't see the point of needing an app for that" rof/% I remember many years ago in the early days of messenger and my friends were like "let's go to this place, I met these guys on yahoo chat and we will meet there" and I'm like "ok, it's either I'm too cautious or I just don't understand how people don't see how s**t can hit the fan in such situations"

Who is so stupid enough to walk in dangerous places on purpose? If you go to the US will you be walking across the Bronx at midnight alone just for fun?... Buddy, I lived 16 years in Venezuela and I have been in places than after being there I was like "why the hell did I go there, am I crazy?". Search about "Sabaneta" and you will see where I played soccer in the streets ;). It's like I said: Latam is not for weak people, unfortunately a lot of foreigners go to Latam thinking they can be like they are when being I don't know, in Dubai and then realize how dangerous the world can be. That's why when friends go to Latam I always need to teach them before they go
Very well said.
I had to look this up! rof/%

Do you guys use an app to meet girls? F*ck! I'm old AF then :oops:


A lot of people use them, but not everyone. I never used them because I dislike the concept. When I meet a girl is usually because of a shared hobby or a place we both go to frequently (I met my current gf in a coffee shop).

For me, besides being attractive a girl needs to be smart, educated, speak well, have a sense of fashion, be kind, respectful, etc. You can tell that within seconds of talking to someone, but you can't tell any of that from filtered photos and curated profiles, so, I don't know, in the end using apps looks like a waste of time to me because I feel I'd need to set up lots of dates in order to make sure that the girls in the pictures are at least of normal sanity.

So I don't think it's about being old or young, for me and many others is just a matter of preference.
So what about this videos? fantasies? He even show the room where he keeps victims. i don't know why he wanted to be on TV if he made so much money out of it.

There is a saying I heard from some friends in Portugal a long time ago and it goes like this:


In other words, it's natural selection doing what it does best. ;)

Or as they used to say in boxing: NEVER EVER fight outside your weight class ;)
One thing is the perception of criminality and another totally different number is the actual rate of criminality. For that reason people feel safer in Uruguay than in Chile while the truth is that you have 3x times higher possibilities to get killed in Uruguay than in Chile (and in both countries around less than half the possibilities in the US for example).

Btw the crime gangs from Venezuela the only thing they do is they recruit locals so it means the criminals where already there, for example the famous "Tren de Aragua" works with Peruvians and Colombians in Chile... It's just that at least using the name from a foreign criminal organization helps in getting traction across the news (which btw is good because finally that forces the authorities to fix their s**t)

Your appearance is really important in LATAM, the truth is that if you're a 5' woman you shouldn't even walk alone in Spain because everybody knows you're risking your safety
By that logic, no short women walk alone in Spain at all? Or in LA?
By that logic, no short women walk alone in Spain at all? Or in LA?
One thing is what you should not do and another one is what you do not do. I think we don't need to be a PhD in order to understand that... But just in case is something really complex to understand: Short women walk alone in Spain, in LA, in Bogota, in Rio, heck even in Caracas (way more dangerous than all 4 combined) but that doesn't mean they will be in the same condition in terms of risks as someone who is an olympic weightlifter
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The people who comment here that it is very safe in Latin America, and that they have not suffered any kind of scam attent, it is because they have not walked in certain places. It's enough to be on Tinder to see how many women ask you for money, and the same in Venezuela. $200 dollars for food. if you don't offer them money, they begun to swear and insult you because you are not a normal man, you are soulless blah blah blah. funny thing is that when i donated some money they were still attacking me, telling what a bad person/man i am. :lol

It's enough to be on Tinder or go to certain bars to be noticed as a potential target. Normally, if you go with 10 friends, or if you just walk around the open market area, streets, where there is usually also police, or other places, you won't experience anything. Because that's not where GANGS (Pandilleros) operate. Those who will drug you , and rob you , they go to the "lake where there are a lot fish", tinder, clubs, avenues. Or they usually kidnap foreigners from airports. They just won't walk around the villages until they see a stranger in 3 years.

Most women in those apps in latin america are prostitutes and expect payment, no dineros no juega. The problem is that a lot of these women pose a single ladies looking for a man when it's just bait and switch or straight up gold digging.

But again the sea often lacks fish and you increasingly run into these women in common areas not commonly filled with gangs. This got even worse with covid with everyone getting desperate.