customer banks are not needed it will be diffrent than 2008 since the result will be implementation of CBDC's and in the end a virtual currency with a high negative interest rate linked to gold distributed directly from central banks.Since its linked to gold you got your answer why central banks are buying gold.BIZ Bank already announced gold being tier 1 money.
They are working on it already over 20 years.
Why you think they gave us bitcoin.It was a testnet and to make people pleasant with virtual money.
What you think would happen if there were no bitcoin and they try to implement virtual money.
Bitcoin was a testnet to improve their systems to be able to trace all transaction.In 2011 FBI report already told that 98% of all transactions can be already fully traced.And that the remaining 2%
will be filled by implementing 3rd party services and KYC.Oh what a surprise what we have today.But yeah Bitcoin is anti establishment / irony off.
I bet they print again since its smoothest solution and then we get 6 digits bitcoin prices measured in $.
yes the only question will be what will be the 6 digits be worth.When USD lose the sole power as worlds reserve currency it automaticly means 40-50% loss of value.So 100k will be like 50k today.Thats also why i predict an oil price of over $300 in the next peak which in todays value would be only $150-170 per barrel so not so extremly higher than last peak (charts pointing after $40 we go up to $320).
We need to remember old bitcoin prices were so high thanks to marging and leverage which is being decreased continously (BASEL III) (Charts telling next peak $120k)
Now a fun fact which most of you don't know for sure.
Bitcoins peak in all bullruns could be predicted mathamaticly from bottom by multipling with a specific number.This number decreases after each peak gradually.
These numbers were always 99.8% accurate.
Based on this data the new peak will be arround last peak because the the amount of % decreases by 4.xx if i remember correctly from last peak.
Charts are pointing towards $120-130k which could be an explanation of a 40-50% value decrease of USD.
Every major chart is pointing of a heavy decrease of USD value.
I mean its no secret china is bringing a world reserve currency out linked to gold which asian country will hold and dump their USD.