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May 6, 2021
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Basically, I plan to have multiple e-Commerce stores (dropshipping). Its sounds dumb to register a Ltd. for each one of them every time I create a new store. What if I have 1 registered business, named "ABC" and REGISTER stripe account for it, but CONNECT that Stripe account to a store named "XYZ" with completely different details. Obvious have all ABC legal information correct in Stripe, but only have XYZ Info in "Statement Descriptor" (or whatever its called there). PayPal is so fine with this, not sure if Stripe is okay. Am I getting a FBI knock or is that okay to do?
P.S: XYZ will not be a registered business, but I can have in "About Us" section that it is owned by "ABC".

Also, if you have payment gateways advice other than Stripe for this - I am up. Let me know if I am dumb and I am missing something.
This is perfectly normal. Just make sure Stripe is aware of it.

In a similar URL here: Statement descriptors , which is just requirements for Statement Descriptor, they say "Reflects your doing business as (DBA) name." and as far as I know DBA is gotta be registered legally, its like a trademark. Is that the case here, or is it definitely fine not to be registering Descriptor?

P.S.: Also, wanted to add, my store name is completely different from legal business name...like...1 will be called Squirrel-Pornstudio and another one will be like Ladies Rollerskaters... you got the point dont judge my imagination for these names plz...
What you're describing is all normal. Contact Stripe before you do it, though, so that they can guide you through the process. Sometimes PSPs need to manually approve each subsequent website a company processes for but as long as what you're selling is more or less the same, it's not a problem.
Thank you thank you soo much. I probably will be selling completely different stuff though, one-product-stores, so like lets say a laptop store and then a teddie bear store...Hopefully it will be alright ahhaa, thnx...
Other than let Stripe know, any other tips on how to make sure it goes alright? Maybe an advisable legal business name to have like "Ecom Stores" or "Ecom Development"...?
Thank you thank you soo much. I probably will be selling completely different stuff though, one-product-stores, so like lets say a laptop store and then a teddie bear store...Hopefully it will be alright ahhaa, thnx...
That's probably fine since it's still quite similar. It'd be a different story if you sold laptops on one website and hotel reservations on another. Laptop and high-value electronics are higher risk but

Other than let Stripe know, any other tips on how to make sure it goes alright? Maybe an advisable legal business name to have like "Ecom Stores" or "Ecom Development"...?
Company name doesn't really matter. What they might ask you is proof of how you source the different items and where your warehouses are. So you'll have to explain to them that you do dropshipping. It's usually not a problem.

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